BREGOU is friends with rumen

BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

It is so unexpected, you know people of the Pic du Midi !!!
I have met Remi Cabanac when i went to the Pic two years ago.
He makes us visiting "his" 2m telescope :-)
Unfortunately I'm not a professional astronomer but an "amateur".
I go to the Pic as an amateur. There is an old professional telescope, we call the "T60", that we can use.
You have some delail here :
I also kow the professional that use the 1m telescope.

The goal of our week at the Pic du midi is to do some spectroscopy.
A friend and I, we are working with a professionnal on some targets that we study in spectoscopy.

Of course I also do love the Pic, it's a so wonderful place (especialy in winter with the snow !)

It's my turn to ask you, you are a professional astronomer ? what kind of collaboration do you have with the TBL ?
Here is my mail : dbregou at gmail dot com


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello Rumen,
I have tested what you talk about.
I had 2 rules files in the folder "/etc/udev/rules.d"
They were :

I remove them, reboot, lauch kstars and indi in local mode : the same as before : EFW not recognized

I copy/paste all the files from /lib/... to /etc/... reboot lauch kstars, indi in local mode : the same as before : EFW not recognized

Moreover I have the rule you talk about at the end of the 99-asi.rules file.
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03c3", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1f01", GROUP="users", MODE="0666"

As Klaus have good result using ubuntu, i'll try to install ubuntu and not kubuntu on one of my computer (i have a free hard drive somhere :-) ).
I don't know when i will be able to do it, I miss time.
Next week i go for one week in the professionnal observatory "PIC DU MIDI" in the south of France.
If the sky is clear i will be realy busy :-) I hope il will be so.

Hope those new infos help you Rumen.

Best Regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello, thanks for this information,
So I don't know what hapened to all of my 3 computers runing kubuntu and ubuntu mate ! :(
Best regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hy everybody,
Thank you for all your answers.
Unfortunately i miss time to test what you told about.
I keep you inform when i have done it.

This week end I tested the setup on a laptop runing kubuntu 16.04 and everything is the same : EFW recognize only in server mode (as on the RPI).

Best regards, and once more Thanks a lot


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello Rumen,
I have checked all you talk about.
Everything was ok :
udev alredy installed and runing on my RPI.
Here is what the termina command returns.
bregou@bregou-desktop:~$ apt-cache policy udev
Installé : 229-4ubuntu12
Candidat : 229-4ubuntu12
Table de version :
*** 229-4ubuntu12 500
500 xenial-updates/main armhf Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
229-4ubuntu10 500
500 xenial-security/main armhf Packages
229-4ubuntu4 500
500 xenial/main armhf Packages
For some tests I have installed "xenial" maybe that is what makes some issues...

Thanks Rumen
Best regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Yes I reboot the RPI after i did the update.
As it does not makes a change, I execute your command line ($ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules) : same as before : the EFW not recognized
Here is the Ekos log :
2016-11-19T10:39:07 Unable to establish:
+ ASI Wheel
Please ensure the device is connected and powered on.
Here is what terminal retrurns when I lauch the indi server
bregou@bregou-desktop:~$ sudo indiserver -v indi_asi_wheel indi_atik_ccd
2016-11-19T09:33:04: startup: indiserver -v indi_asi_wheel indi_atik_ccd
2016-11-19T09:33:04: Driver indi_asi_wheel: pid=3108 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2016-11-19T09:33:04: Driver indi_atik_ccd: pid=3109 rfd=4 wfd=9 efd=10
2016-11-19T09:33:04: listening to port 7624 on fd 5
2016-11-19T09:33:05: Driver indi_atik_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2016-11-19T09:33:05: Driver indi_atik_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2016-11-19T09:33:05: Driver indi_atik_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2016-11-19T09:33:05: Driver indi_atik_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2016-11-19T09:33:18: Client 0: new arrival from - welcome!
2016-11-19T09:33:38: Driver indi_atik_ccd: snooping on EFW.FILTER_SLOT
2016-11-19T09:33:38: Driver indi_atik_ccd: snooping on EFW.FILTER_NAME
2016-11-19T09:37:38: Client 0: read EOF
2016-11-19T09:37:38: Client 0: shut down complete - bye!
And here is the end of /lib/udev/rules.d/99-asi.rules file (the end of CAMERAS section and the FILTER WHEELS section).
ATTR{product}=="ASI290MM-Cool" ATTR{idVendor}=="03c3" ATTR{idProduct}=="290d" GROUP="users", MODE="0666"

KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03c3", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1f01", GROUP="users", MODE="0666"
Hope that help you


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello, everybody, hello Rumen,
Sorry to bother you once more :-)
Tonight a had time to do some more tests whith my EFW.
As you said that rules will be chaged in an update, i did the update of my RPI3. I simply lauche the Software updater of ubuntu mate.

Once done, I test to start indi in local mode and, like before, my EFW is wasn't recognize.

So I decide to makes the chages you talk about : change the botom lines of /lib/udev/rules.d/99-asi.rules
When i open the file, I saw that those lines alrady exists. (the update have been done)

Like before, I can use the EFW by lanching it in "server mode" so it is fine.
But, may be there is only little thing to do to make it work in local mode.

Feel free to ask me for more tests.

Best regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks Rumen for the setup guide, I will test it as soon as possible.
To kkretzsch I equally confirm that you can use the ASI FW with other astronomy caméras.For example, I use it whith a Atik 314L+.
You only need a system to drive the FW...of course, choose INDI ;-)
Best regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi Rumen, thanks a lot,

Just tested your idea this morning and it works.
Here is what I see in the terminal :
2016-11-16T06:11:22: startup: indiserver -v indi_asi_wheel
2016-11-16T06:11:22: Driver indi_asi_wheel: pid=4706 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2016-11-16T06:11:22: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2016-11-16T06:12:12: Client 0: new arrival from - welcome!

Here is the log in Ekos
2016-11-16T07:12:21 EFW filter is online.
2016-11-16T07:12:12 INDI services started. Connection to remote INDI server is successful. Waiting for devices...
2016-11-16T07:12:12 Connecting to remote INDI server at localhost on port 7624 ...

What can I do now to make it works permanently ?

I tested whith my Atik 314L+ plus the EFW : both works fine together:-)

Once more, thanks Rumen



BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello Rumen, thank you for your answer.

I did not practice a lot of tests.
I have pluged my EFW on the RPI3 (that run Ubuntu Mate) and launch Kstars then Ekos and finaly starts INDI in local mode.
For testing I choose the devieces as folow :
Mount : Telescope Simulator
CCD : CCD Simulator
Filter : ASI Wheel

The logs that returns indi is in my previous message.
May be there is a log somhere else but i dont know where. If so, let me know where to look :-)
Sorry not to be more accurate in my explanations and I hope my english is clear enough for you to understand (i m french) ;-)



BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

I have some problems whith my ZWO EFWmini.
I have installed the last updated realese (1.3) and my ZWO EFWmini is not recognized.
I have tested on both RPI3 whith Mate and a computer with Kubuntu.
Here is the message when i start indi
2016-11-15T20:39:59 Unable to establish:
+ ASI Wheel
Please ensure the device is connected and powered on.
The EFW is connected and works fine on windows.

If some one have an idea of what goes wrong on my system...
Thanks :-)


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I just said that i own the filterwheel and, if someone want me to test and indi driver, it, i can do it. That what i wrote 2 or 3 posts ago.
Best regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello everybody, sorry for answering you only now.
Feel free to ask for testing the driver.
Best Regards


BREGOU replied to the topic 'ZWO EFWmini (filter wheel)' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello everybody.
First of all i would like to congratulate you for all the job you do around indilib !
I tested indi for 1 month ago, is the software i have searched for a long time !

Well, now something linked to the subject.

I own the zwo filterwheel and i am interested in driving it with indi.
I can do the test you need, just drime me how to do it on linux.

I m using Kubuntu 16.04 LST.

My setup
EQ6 / ATIK 314L+ / ZWO ASI120MM / ZWO EFWmini / Optec TCF-S


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    02. 08. 1977
  • About me
    Discover INDI a few week ago, and I m loving it !
    Geat Job ! Thanks a lot to share it !
    Interested in Spectroscopy
    Setup EQ6/Atik 314L+/80mm ED refractor/C8/Dobson 300mm