OK. Problem solved.
It looks like I had inadvertently recompiled libindi with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set to /usr/local instead of /usr.
Much to my gratitude, Jasem was able to use remote access to login to my computer and quickly sort this out.
Thanks Jasem.


Still no luck I'm afraid.

I also tried connecting to an indiserver on a different machine but the same thing happened.


I tried running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade" but it has made no difference.
Any further ideas before I reinstall linux from scratch?




bt reported "no stack"
I have attached an output of the screen plus the captured logs.

I'm running kubuntu 16.04.
Indi library 1.2.0
kstars 2.7.2
Linux mtodman-linux 4.4.0-47-generic #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 26 19:39:52 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

kstars creashes when I click on teh TOGGLE EKOS button and then press START INDI.

Thanks for your help


Whenever I try and start an indiserver from withing KStars (either pressing the START INDI button from the EKOS window or via TOOLS > DEVICES > DEVICE MANAGER), KStars crashes.
I've tried
sudo apt-get remove indi-full kstars-bleeding
followed by
sudo apt-get install indi-full kstars-bleeding
but that didn't have any effect.
Note that I can start an indiserver manually (indiserver -v drivername) and access that using pixinsight without any issues.

Any ideas?


Matt Todman replied to the topic 'Help with driver debugging' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks so much for the response.
I updated to the latest version of QTCreator and after a bit of playing around, everything fell into place :-)
Debugging is now working correctly. Now the fun starts!!!


Matt Todman created a new topic ' Help with driver debugging' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi. I’m after some help with driver debugging my dome driver. I’m new to the world of developing in linux / QTCreator however I have written ASCOM (c# .net) drivers for my dome & focuser and I’d really love to do away with the windows environment and move to linux for my astrophotography work.
I’m in the process of porting my dome driver to indi and am now at the debugging stage. I’ve followed the guidelines in the indi dev manual indilib.org/develop/developer-manual/163...ent-environment.html for both the celestrongps example and for my dome driver but the program doesn’t stop when the breakpoint is hit.
Does the program need to be compiled in debugging mode? If so, where do I set that?
Note that one thing could not figure out was where to set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to /usr in the Projects section of QTCreator.
Any help / pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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