Jayme Evans replied to the topic 'Kstars clock and UTC offsets' in the forum. 7 years ago

I can sure give that a try. I did run last night with the mount set to Pacific time and KStars defaulting to Mountain, but it didn't affect pointing in any way, so perhaps it doesn't matter.

Thanks Jasem.


Jayme Evans replied to the topic 'Kstars clock and UTC offsets' in the forum. 7 years ago

Sounds like it is in the process of gettingfixed and released, so that's great.

Now, if only the clouds would part long enough for me to complete my testing...



Jayme Evans created a new topic ' Kstars clock and UTC offsets' in the forum. 7 years ago

I'm running the latest indi RPI image to control a Celestron CPC800, QSI 583 CCD, Starshoot autoguider and Microtouch focuser.

I'm connecting to KSTARS through EKOS VM 1.6 and note some discrepancies in the Kstars clock, vs. Ekos VM, RPi, WIndows and my telescope.

I think the UTC offsets in KStars are off/backwards. My current location is in the US Pacific time zone. With Daylight Savings time, the UTC Offset is currently -7.
During Standard time it is -8. I have verified the time/time zone settings on my Raspberry Pi, Windows PC and in Ekos VM are correct, however when I define a custom site in KStars with a correct offset of -7, the Kstars time is one hour ahead of the rest of the clocks I am using. If I set the offset to -8, my telescope then thinks it is located in the Mountain time zone.

I'm sure this can't be very good for accuracy. Any idea what may be going on or how I can remedy this? I have attached a screen grab shoing the time difference btween Kstars/Ekos



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  • About me
    Celestron CPC800, QSI 583 WSG, Orion Starshoot SSAG, Microtouch Wireless