Morgan created a new topic ' Real Time Live Stacking' in the forum. 4 years ago


I would like to understand what is needed to use this new function "real time live stacking" ?

There is also a function called "Ekos Live" , is it mandatory to use Real Time Live Stacking ?

Or can we use the live stacking with Ekos/Kstars on a PC connected to the Stellarmate server on the Pi4 ?

Or from the Android or IOS application ?

I am a bit confused between Ekos Live and Real Time Live Stacking...

Thanks for any clarification,



Morgan replied to the topic 'Indi lib only on Ubuntu' in the forum. 6 years ago

thks Jasem, but if i install indi web manager, i get errors when i launch it, and if i start indiserver with drivers names it says that drivers are not found, anyway as u already tested all these solutions may be i shouldn't spend too much time on that.... :)
so don't worry too much, as my main issue will remain this driver for the Usb Focuser V2 which still don't exist on indi.... that's another issue and surely my main one...


Morgan created a new topic ' Indi lib only on Ubuntu' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi, i installed Indi only on a ubuntu under vmware under windows.
Install of indi went ok.
Now i just want to use it from Kstars / Ekos on windows side but i dont' see how i can activate the indi server on ubuntu, should we start it locally or will it start from remote Ekos ?
In other words, is there something to do after having installed it on Ubuntu in order to use it ?


Morgan replied to the topic 'EKOS VM' in the forum. 6 years ago

ok, thks, so i will reconnect to the pi3 :)


Morgan created a new topic ' EKOS VM' in the forum. 6 years ago

I am testing Stellarmate, but as i have equipements connected either to windows desktop or pi3, i would like to be able to do some Ekos tests when connecter on Windows.
I have Kstars with Ekos on Windows.
But i understand that i need also to have the INDI server on the windows machine to run all as local.
I saw a EKOS VM package, which is suppose could be the solution to run all local on windows, but i cannot find any link to download it....
Where can i find it ?
Or is there another solution to run all local on Windows ?


Morgan replied to the topic 'A complete help for polar align.' in the forum. 8 years ago

3Oh, thanks for these details, and it would be great to have this sure, but my request was for more simple topics, the small help like with EQMOD :
"In EQMOD it is possible to move the mount to the position of polaris and than adjust the azimuth and elevation of the mount."

At least this would help a lot.


Morgan replied to the topic 'A complete help for polar align.' in the forum. 8 years ago

I vote for this also. I am using the polar align help from EQMOD, and i would like to get the same on Kstars or somewhere in the INDI environment as i can use it on a Raspberry and i would not be obliged to bring the laptop for this very first step.


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