Kurt replied to the topic 'Rigelsys NStep focuser driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Killed the indiserverno, entry in the log beside some welcome string. :(
Switched on simulation, then I get log entries.

Greetings Kurt


Kurt replied to the topic 'Rigelsys NStep focuser driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello Peter,
1. I checked /dev/ttyACM0 after plugging the nStep Focuser it appears (see ssh_log2.txt). Also lsusb shows "Microchip Technology" what is the nStep Focuser.
2. Start indiserver -vvv => highest verbose level
3. I turned on Debug in PixInsight INDI Devicemanager (find ScreenshotIndiServer.png)
4. switch to connect in INDI Devicemanager
5. Find log file empty :(

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -l /tmp/
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 Jun 27 18:50 indi_nstep_focus_2016-06-27T16:42:33.log

I'm sorry, I have no idea why the log file is empty.
By the way, what is the difference between indi_nfocus and indi_nstep_focus?
Hope you can find some hint in the logs.

Greeting Kurt


Kurt replied to the topic 'Rigelsys NStep focuser driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi Peter,
tank's for the fast reply. I think basic functions seems to work. I tried to connect to the NFocuser with Pixiinsight INDI Devicemanager. The connection seams established for 3 seconds. Then gets disconnected. Find the log files attached.

Thanks Kurt


Kurt replied to the topic 'Rigelsys NStep focuser driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi Peter,
I like to use my nStep Rigelsys Focuser (DC motor) with my Raspberry Pi3. Camera und Mount work fine but the focuser not. I use CCDciel and failed to connect to nStep Focuser.
Please advice me for specific information to pinpoint the problem.

Thanks Kurt


Kurt replied to the topic 'Rigelsys NStep focuser driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi Peter,
I like to use NStep Rigelsys focuser (DC motor) with Raspberry Pi 3. Unfortunately I have some trouble to get it work. I used CCDciel as client and failed to connect to the focuser. Camera and Mount work. Please advice me for more specific information to pinpoint the problem.

Thanks Kurt


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