He says he has delegated the problem to one of his colleagues. I will post here when I get more information.


After running 'apt-cache policy indi-asi' it was showing installed: none for me also. I installed indi-asi (which replaced the indi-asicam package that came pre installed in the Ekos VM) and when I attempted to connect to the camera indi_asi_ccd crashed.

I decided to instead build indi_asi_ccd myself so I downloaded indilib from git, built and installed it. I am back to the double exposure problem.


When I first got my 178MM I had problems connecting via USB3. The light indicator next to the connect button would turn red instead of green. I don't recall if indi_asi_ccd would crash, but I was able to fix it by going to the options tab in the indi control panel and loading a configuration (if no config hit 'default' then 'save') before clicking the connect button. After this I was able to just hit the connect button without loading a configuration.

As for the double exposure problem, I have investigated the ASIGetExpStatus() function. Seems new, no one else I can see has used it and made it open source. I have emailed Sam Wen at ZWO asking him if he knows why status is set to ASI_EXP_FAILURE. I will post back with what he has to say about it.


I also have a 178MM-Cool and have the double exposure problem. Later tonight I will get a debug log of the problem and post it here.


Dylan Johnson created a new topic ' Double Exposure Problem' in the forum. 8 years ago


I am using the Ekos VM and I am experiencing a problem where all of my exposures are done twice. The countdown for the exposure time reaches zero then restarts immediately. In the console output window it will reprint "taking *** second exposure". After the second timer reaches zero I receive the image. From what I can tell the first exposure is thrown away. In addition the automatic dark box in the capture module is unchecked. Sometimes with small exposure times (< 5 sec) this problem does not happen. I am using a ZWO ASI 178MM camera.


Hello! Does anyone know where I can find the MD5 hash for the Ekos VM that was recently released? The website indicates that it can be found on the download page but I can't seem to find it.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    17. 05. 1994
  • About me
    I'm currently a student at the University of Washington looking to dive in to Astrophotography.