Mike S replied to the topic 'SX CCD not working?' in the forum. 6 years ago


Thank you!, but the issue is not camera dependent. If I set up a new Equipment Profile in Ekos, and choose to use the internal INDI server, and choose 'SX CCD' as my camera - then, when I open the INDI server control panel (where I can connect/disconnect to devices) there is no tab for SX CCD. I have tabs for all my other equipment (Paramount, SX AO, Gemini) - but no way to connect to my camera or Lodestar guider. The SX CCD INDI 'driver' (not sure of the right term) seems just plain broken.

I will get the info for the camera (SX-46) as you requested, but surely the Lodestar is already a known camera and I can not connect to that either.

Thanks for your help - I really want this to work (Using Ekos to allow me to use both the SX AO and TSX while remaining on the Mac).