Hello Jasem,

I've a couple month ago proposed a patch for the gphoto drv implementing the mirror lock feature for Canon without serial shutter.
For all recent Canon there is no pre-requisite on a serial cable so you must avoid this additional cable.

FYI, Since then, i've tested my code for Canon 7D, 7DmkII, 6D with succes.



hugues obolonsky replied to the topic 'Canon DSLR Mirror Lock' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello, for shooting with mirror lock via USB, I've posted a patch to gphoto_driver that do the trick.
For your green cast, don't forget that a DSLR has double green in the bayer matrix, the color balance is always achieved in RAW post-processing.



Yes !
On 7D 6D 5D and all modern camera you can use the mirror lock without a serial shutter.
And, that's the porpose of my gphoto_driver patch.


You are perfectly right Jasem.
The fact is i'm only using the bulb port as an input for the int msec,
to provide user adjustable timing of the mirror lock option via the ekos gphoto interface.
=> actualy only adjustable when using the remote shutter release (bulb->port)


Hello Jasem,

The purpose of this patch is to control the mirror lock function without the remote serial shutter.
Only the main USB.

1) I just put the "/dev/null" device to get the mirror lock timer option in ekos.
The if statement:
if (! strcmp(gphoto->bulb_port,"/dev/null") == 0)
prevent the opening of /dev/null as i did not use the gphoto->bulb_port

2) In the gphoto_driver.c i use the foolowing sequence:
(The Canon camera is set with mirror lock to ON, and rotation dial to Bulb)
a) gphoto_set_widget_num (gphoto, gphoto->bulb_widget, 2); // I push the button and the mirror is now UP
b) gphoto_set_widget_num (gphoto, gphoto->bulb_widget, 4); // I release the button
c) usleep (msec * 1000); // i sleep with the mirror locked until the end of timer set in ekos

3) After the mirror lock done the capture will begin with another
gphoto_set_widget_num (gphoto, gphoto->bulb_widget, 2);

I will acquire a Canon 6D soon and will test this code portion.


hugues obolonsky replied to the topic 'INDI Web Manager' in the forum. 8 years ago

Nope !
As far as the gphoto_cdd driver is only working as root,
i was launching the indiserver manually as root...


hugues obolonsky replied to the topic 'INDI Web Manager' in the forum. 8 years ago

I think i touch another bug related to path loading.
When i launch the indiserver via the webmanager (started as daemon) on the remote server,
the gphoto_ccd client cannot load the saved configuration.

As this is working when i launch the indiserver manually, i guess it's a path related issue in webmanager/indiserver launch command.

I will try to debug that but if you have any hints, it's welcome ;)


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    it manager / devops / astrophotograph