Wim Rappé replied to the topic 'Astroberry initial release' in the forum. 8 years ago

Actually, that was part of the idea. Make a ready available hat for everyone that is just plug and play. No soldering, no customizing things. One board that saves a lot of time. The question is however, what are common things for astronomy/astrophotography.


Wim Rappé replied to the topic 'Astroberry initial release' in the forum. 8 years ago

Very nice project.
I have been adding some custom hardware as well. Going from ready made parts to custom electronics. This made me wonder if there would be any interest in a Raspberry/Astroberry Hat that incorporates common astronomy features.
Maybe this is not the right place to discuss it, but I will open a separate tread if there is any interest.


Wim Rappé replied to the topic 'QHY5L-II Again' in the forum. 8 years ago

I downloaded a virtualbox environment to run Kstars. From there, I was able to connect to my QHY. Somehow after this, I also got connected with CCDCiel but only one time. So I think there is something not right on the CCDCiel side. I also tested my DSLR and that one seems to work both under CCDCiel and EKOS. Although I still need to get the settings right.

Thank you for helping with this.


Wim Rappé replied to the topic 'QHY5L-II Again' in the forum. 8 years ago

I don't have a linux operating system at my disposal at the moment. But I will try to run Ekos here in a box on windows. I will try to verify with EKOS and come back to you if needed.


Wim Rappé created a new topic ' QHY5L-II Again' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thank you very much for creating this wonderful tool. But unfortunately, I cannot get past a certain point.

I have a QHY5L-II ccd connected to a Raspberry Pi2. When I start the indiserver and try to connect to it, the server seems to disconnect:

CCDCiel output:

11:44:54:Connecting camera...
11:45:04:No response from server
11:45:04:Is "QHY CCD QHY5LII-M-6047d310f33c7353" a running camera driver?
11:45:04:Camera server disconnected
INDIServer output:
$ indiserver -v indi_qhy_ccd
2016-04-13T13:30:08: startup: indiserver -v indi_qhy_ccd 
2016-04-13T13:30:08: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: pid=30142 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2016-04-13T13:30:08: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2016-04-13T13:30:08: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2016-04-13T13:30:08: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2016-04-13T13:30:08: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2016-04-13T13:30:08: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2016-04-13T13:31:09: Client 0: new arrival from - welcome!
2016-04-13T13:31:11: Client 0: read EOF
2016-04-13T13:31:11: Client 0: shut down complete - bye!
2016-04-13T13:33:20: Client 0: new arrival from - welcome!
2016-04-13T13:33:22: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: recorder: setpixelformat 1497715271
2016-04-13T13:33:22: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: recorder: setsize 1280x960
2016-04-13T13:33:26: Client 5: new arrival from - welcome!
2016-04-13T13:33:28: Client 5: read EOF
2016-04-13T13:33:28: Client 5: shut down complete - bye!
2016-04-13T13:33:41: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: recorder: setsize 1280x960
2016-04-13T13:33:41: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: recorder: setsize 1280x960
2016-04-13T13:36:36: Client 0: read EOF
2016-04-13T13:36:36: Client 0: shut down complete - bye!

The camera is working as verified with lin_guider on the same system. Also I can use CCDCiel to modify camera settings in the INDI settings window. There is also and option for video recording. When I enable this a video file is created with footage from the camera.
Can anyone point me in the direction of where the fault may be located? I have searched a lot on this and other forums and found many possibilities, but nothings seems to help me.

Thank you very much in Advance



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