L B replied to the topic 'PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

We've actually tried a few things:
With PyIndi, the problem is now that a Blob is not returned when a zero time bias exposure is taken. This also occurs if a nonzero exposure time is given. Lights and darks behave properly.

With a separate client, indi control panel (www.cloudmakers.eu/indicontrolpanel/), we get the error mentioned earlier "unknown selected CCD frame type! FRAME_BIAS" when we try to run a bias frame. Previously, when running the bias frame, it would simply complain about the zero exposure time.

As a side note, we have tried using an ATIK camera with the indi ATIK driver. Although this seems to support a bias frame, the exposure can not be of zero time, and the counts scale with time for longer exposure times, which would seem to be identical to taking a dark exposure.


L B replied to the topic 'PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

It seems to complain about an "unknowm selected CCD frame type! FRAME_BIAS" now. Also, is the link in my prior comment the correct code to be updating? Thank you again for your help.


L B replied to the topic 'PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

I may be doing this wrong then:
We did a fresh install of the indiserver libraries, and ran indiserver -vv indi_sbig_ccd. Then using the indi control panel, we set the system to a bias frame and took a zero time exposure. This produced the same error about the requested time being outside of the allowed bounds. In case it matters, the library was downloaded here: indilib.org/download/raspberry-pi/downlo...or-raspberry-pi.html .



L B replied to the topic 'PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi again, I just wanted to check: what exactly do we need to update to apply this change (where is it located)? My apologies for the simple question, I'm very new to this system.



L B replied to the topic 'PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thank you! I will get a chance to test this early next week, I will let you know how it works for me.


L B replied to the topic 'PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

That is unfortunate. Yes, it is for a bias frame. Do you have any suggestions on the easiest way to implement this? Is still a limitation with the C++ library?



L B created a new topic ' PyIndi' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello, I am using the PyIndi library to control an SBIG camera for an astronomy project. The best tutorial I could find for the library is here: indilib.org/develop/tutorials/151-time-l...ith-indi-python.html

Right now I need to implement a zero-time exposure, in order to keep this system consistent with our prior system. The current response to this is:

Requested exposure value (0) seconds out of bounds [0.01,3600].

Is there a known way of taking a zero time exposure with this library? Alternately, is anyone aware of more detailed documentation for its use?



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