Ganlhi created a new topic ' First tries with EOS 1200d and SPC900' in the forum. 9 years ago

Hello there!

INDI and Ekos are very nice, and I can't wait using them to control my remote obsy. So I started testing it last week-end.
Everything went smoothly for the mount (AZ-EQ6), but I have a few problems with imagers.

Canon EOS 1200d DSLR
Using GPhoto, I can connect to it and have it taking pictures. What I can't understand is the proper way to configure exposure and image format. Ilthe options, there are several places where I can set format (native or FITS; RAW, JPG L or M...) and exposure time. Yesterday I added a 1sec exposure to the sequence list and got a 30sec image... Could someone using this type of device can send me a screenshot of his configuration?

SPC900 webcam
I use this to guide when making deepsky images with the 1200d, and also to film planets. First, how can I do the latter?
Then, when setting this cam a guiding camera, I don't have a "guiding" tab in Ekos. Is it because I have to configure something about the guide scope?

Thanks in advance.