Gerrit replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 6 years ago

azwing wrote: @ clearskyhopper,

glad to hear it works.

Woulkd be nice if you give feedback of your experiences in field.

Clear Skyes

Hi ,
sorry not to mention how the combination works.
I must say the driver works perfectly. I can use the focuser, too by simply putting the onstep driver name in the setup configuration.
What i am missing at the moment, is something where I can set the actual position of the focuser, without moving the focuser.

From my experiences of the last months, I completely switch over to libindi.

Except my big fat mount. It is controlled by the sitech servo II controller. Here i will encapsulate the win7 instance in a qemu image running on my barbone.
