Hi, I can't reproduce your problems with my SS2kPC.
Have you compared the source code of the driver in the two versions of INDI you mention?


Hi Jasem, it works now.



Hi Jasem,
There are two things that need to be changed for sesto senso2 to work. First, the method to select one of the motor presets should be:

bool SestoSenso2::applyMotorPreset(const std::string &name)
return m_Communication->command(MOT_NONE, {{"RUNPRESET", name}});

And the method getting the motor settings works when it reads as follows:

bool SestoSenso2::getMotorSettings(MotorRates &rates, MotorCurrents ¤ts, bool &motorHoldActive)
//json jsonRequest = {{"req", {{"get", {{"MOT1", ""}}}}}};
json jsonRequest = {{"req", {{"get", {{"MOT1", { {"FnRUN_ACC",""}, {"FnRUN_DEC",""}, {"FnRUN_SPD",""}, {"FnRUN_CURR_ACC",""}, {"FnRUN_CURR_DEC",""}, {"FnRUN_CURR_SPD",""}, {"FnRUN_CURR_HOLD",""}, {"HOLDCURR_STATUS",""} } }}}}}};
json jsonResponse;

if (m_Communication->sendRequest(jsonRequest, &jsonResponse))

int tmp;
motorHoldActive = ( tmp == 1 );
return true;
return false;


Hi Jasem,

With sesto senso2 I still have the problem that the driver crashes. This is what I find in the log file:

[2022-12-18T15:42:39.587 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Sesto Senso 2 : "[DEBUG] <REQ> {\"req\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":{\"ABS_POS\":\"\"}}}} "
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.623 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Sesto Senso 2 : "[DEBUG] <RES> {\"res\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":{\"ABS_POS\":0}}}} "
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.623 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Sesto Senso 2 : "[DEBUG] <REQ> {\"req\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":\"\"}}} "
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.700 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Sesto Senso 2 : "[DEBUG] <RES> {\"res\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":{\"SUBMODEL\":\"SESTOSENSO2\",\"NTC_T\":\"32.49\",\"BKLASH\":0,\"CAL_STATUS\":\"stop\",\"CAL_MAXPOS\":172541,\"CAL_BKLASH\":100,\"CAL_MINPOS\":0,\"CAL_HOMEP\":1000,\"CAL_NUMOF\":0,\"CAL_DIR\":\"normal\",\"LASTDIR\":0,\"HOLDCURR_STATUS\":1,\"COMPENSATI "
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.855 CET INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.focus] - "Idle."
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.867 CET INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Sesto Senso 2 focuser is online."
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.917 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Removing device "Sesto Senso 2"
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.919 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDIListener: Removing device "Sesto Senso 2"
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.919 CET INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Sesto Senso 2 is offline."
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.920 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Removing managed driver "Ekos Remote Host"
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.922 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDIListener: Removing client manager for server localhost @ 7624
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.922 CET DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Resetting Ekos Manager...
[2022-12-18T15:42:39.930 CET INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "INDI services stopped."

As you can see the last json response is truncated. I don't think this is caused by the indi driver. The fixes I posted before worked around this problem for SPEED and ABS_POS
by requesting only the information (ABS_POS or SPEED) that was really needed instead of requesting all information on MOT1 and extracting in the indi driver the parameters of interest.
I think this is needed here as well.

Hope this helps,


Hi Jasem,

Unfortenately the new driver doesn't work for sesto senso2. The basic problem is that when one requests all parameters about MOT1 the response string is too long and gets truncated (most likely in the focusser itself, not in INDI). In primalucelabcommandset.cpp, this happens for the json command on line 450. This makes the driver crash. The solution should be to modify the json request so that only the desired parameters are returned. With the new structure it is not clear to me how that should be implemented.

The json command on line 736 will most likely cause the same problem but I can't test this since I don't have an ARCO device.


In sestosenso2.cpp I changed line 1552, to the following
1550 bool CommandSet::getAbsolutePosition(char *res)
1551 {
1552 return sendCmd("{\"req\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":{\"ABS_POS\":\"\"}}}}", "ABS_POS", res);
1553 }

Similarly on line 1557
1555 bool CommandSet::getCurrentSpeed(char *res)
1556 {
1557 return sendCmd("{\"req\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":{\"SPEED\":\"\"}}}}", "SPEED", res);
1558 }

While debugging I also noticed that the focusser response was truncated when requesting the NTC temperature.
Although the NTC_T property was not in the truncated part and the function worked, I changed line 1649 too:
1647 bool CommandSet::getMotorTemp(char *res)
1648 {
1649 return sendCmd("{\"req\":{\"get\":{\"MOT1\":{\"NTC_T\":\"\"}}}}", "NTC_T", res);
1650 }

There might me more routines with the same problem but I haven't noticed them. I don't know whether
older firmware has a problem with these changes.


Hi, I had the same problem with my Sesto Senso2 after upgrading the firmware to the one included with Play 1.4.4.
I fixed it by adding the property name in the command string that is send to the focusser for ABS_POS, SPEED, and NTC_T.
Somehow, the focusser response is truncated when the property name is not included in the command string.


When I start the streaming in PHD2, I can start an exposure from Ekos, the Indi Control Panel from kstars as well as from PHD2.
The result of this is an error mesage about error 14 in ASIStartExposure. It also stops the streaming of the video.

What I am actually trying to figure out is why this error occurs while I am not intentionally starting an exposure when both ekos and
PHD2 are running. I have modiified my local copy of the ASI driver such that ASIStartExposure/ASIStopExposure are not called
while the camera is in streaming mode. Hopefully, this prevents the problem from occuring spontaneously during guiding. Still have
to test that.


Hi Jasem,

While trying to solve some problems related to guiding with PHD2 using a video stream from my ASI120mini,
I noticed that it is possible to start an exposure while the camera is in streaming mode and vice versa.
This is easily fixed in the ASI driver. However, it could be that this problem occurs with any similar camera.
Is there a way to prevent this problem in a more generic way? It would for exampe be nice of the exposure
control is disabled during streaming and the streaming controls while an exposure is being taken.



Indeed very similar what the cameras are concerned.
I don't have other pairs of similar devices, so can't check for the focussers.


It appears that this problem is not related to the cameras. The same problem occurs when using a ZWO ASI and DMK camera.
I did a test with only two cameras connected. First, I disconnected the DMK camera (V4L2 driver). The screenshots show what the
ASI camera tab in the INDI control panel looks like before and after disconnecting the DMK camera. After disconnecting the ASI
camera too and reconnecting both, I did a similar test by disconnecting the ASI camera first. I have included the screenshots of
the V4L2 camera tab in the INDI control before and after disconnecting the ASI camera too. I have also included the debug log
file from EKOS. The odd things is that with the CCD and Guide simulators this problem does not occur.


Recently I have noticed that when I disconnect my guide camera (ZWO ASI120 mini)
images are not downloaded any more from my imaging camera (Atik 11000). Exposures
with it are still possible but the images is never shown in the FITS viewer. Many of
the options and settings are removed from the Indi Control panel of the Arik camera
as well. Any idea on why this happens? I am using kstars 3.5.1 beta pulled and build
from the repository Friday, Dec 4.


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