Carlos replied to the topic 'Trutech filter wheel lost' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello again Jasem, this is the communication protocol:

Any communication, either from the computer to the wheel, or from the wheel to the computer, begins with a code A5h

There are three groups of commands:

-Reset and wheel type identification.
The computer sends a code A5h, a code 03h followed by a code of filling 20h and the checksum in 8 bit of the three codes above.
The wheel is positioned in "Home", and sends to the computer A5h, 83h, and the wheel type, which can be 5, 6, 7 or 8 filters, to which codes correspond 35h to 38h in addition the checksum in 8 Bit of the three codes

-Positioning a new filter
The computer sends a code A5h, a code 01h followed by a code with the chosen filter number, from 01h to 08h (depending on the number of filters that the wheel has) and the checksum in 8 bit of the three previous codes.
After the wheel is positioned in the chosen filter, it sends the computer A5h, 81h, and the filter in which it has just been positioned, to which codes 01h to 08h correspond, in addition the checksum in 8 bit of the three previous codes.

-Wheel status
The computer sends a code A5h, a code 02h followed by a fill code 20h and the checksum in 8 bit of the three previous codes.
The wheel responds to the computer A5h, 82h, and the filter in which it is positioned, to which codes 31h to 38h correspond to the filters 1 to 8, or the code 30h indicating to the computer that is moving, or codes 41h to 48h to indicate that it could not be positioned in these filter positions and that there is an error, in addition sends the checksum in 8 bit of the three previous codes.

This communication protocol was posted on the Trutek website

That is all, in my opinion is a fairly easy protocol.
For any questions I can help you, please tell me.
Thank you very much.
