Carlos replied to the topic 'Trutech filter wheel lost' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hi Jasem.
I have been testing the driver for the Trutek filter wheel and it has some problems.

It does everything correctly, the wheel goes to the home position when you ask it and correctly changes the filter.
The problem, as you mentioned, is that the driver only sends commands, but does not interpret what the wheel sends, or rather, it assumes that the wheel does what the driver asks for it immediately, which, when You make series of photos by changing the filter between shots, the CCD starts capturing before the filter has finished positioning.

On the other hand, the current driver, is limited to 5 filters, but there are Trutek wheels of between 5 and 8 filters, and for example, I use one of 7 filters, in the old driver this could be selected

The truth is that the protocol used by the Trutek wheel, is very simple, I have a very easy summary done that I can send you if you want to see it.
I program it in the microcontroller I made for my wheel in Bascom (basic for AVR), but unfortunately I do not have any knowledge of the programming language that you use for the drivers.

Anything I can help, please tell me

Thank you so much for your great work.
