JP Durman replied to the topic 'Problem with fits' in the forum. 9 years ago

I believe this is normal. A single sub is always quite dark.
For instance to check a single light in Nebulosity i have to debayer first to get the color and then have to stretch to check out the sub.

DSS will do this debayering proces during stacking thus adding the color.

So you can stretch the image to check out the sub (just like the option in Kstars) and see the real result after stacking.


knro wrote:

Ok, I just updated KStars as well so hopefully you get the new version. If you have access to your PC now, I can help in setting up a development environment where this can be tracked down.

Great! I've send you a PM. Hopefully we'll get it to work so I can get some sleep tonight ;)


JP Durman created a new topic ' Show you guiding' in the forum. 9 years ago

Hi guys,

I believe my guiding is quite OK right now, but in reality I have no clue how to check this in my stats. I'm not quite sure how to analyse the graph and the stats.

I try to keep sig(RA) and sig(DEC) somewhere between 0.300 and 0.600, a good night being 0.300. I do have balancing issues because I use a finderscope as a guidescope, and it sits on the side of my scope, but will use my OAG soon, which I already have laying around.

So perhaps you guys can share you guiding stats, and discuss what the key elements are to keep track of regarding tracking..?

Attached are my stats.


knro wrote:

Ok it looks like your problem is only triggered when you have everything running in Ekos. I would assume the problem doesn't manifest itself if you just run Ekos with the DSLR camera and capture with it?

Well indeed, i ended last night shooting 10m darks and no problem occurred. I have 20 darks sitting in a directory without a problem. Sub 20 was sitting in the FITS viewer, so also no problem there it seems.
So it's only the lights, which require guiding also.

I will enable KStars logs to see what happens. It seems we will have a clear night tonigt, although with a first quarter moon.


Right now i'm imaging and am seeing live what happens:

- sub 1 to 3 work fine
- sub 4 isn't loaded in the FITS viewer. If you try to open it the FITS viewer give some sort of error that this operation isn't allowed
- sub 5 is written as sub 4 causing the original sub 4 to be deleted
- sub 6 (Ekos believes it's sub 5) is written to disk but the FITS viewer stopped working.
- sub 7 is written as sub 5 causing the original sub 6 to be deleted, which actually would be the original sub 5 :)

When you stop the job, everything acts up and you can't create a new image directory without getting error messages in Ekos. Shutting down Kstars is the only remedy until you do an imaging job and get to sub 4. Then it starts all over again.

This happens every time and it's a lot of time wasted as you can see. No clue to what makes my setup act differently because I use Kubuntu 15.10 and nothing special. Hopefully you guys do. For now I'm limited to 3 sub imaging jobs.


It seems the problem has not gone away after last nights session.

So i have Kubuntu 15.10 and started a test run last week with the lenscap on. I made 12 testshots and everything seemed stable,
Last night however, I started a session with all features enabled.

- Guiding with my Lodestar (binning 2x2).
- Imaging 300s subs with my Canon 1000D
- NEQ6 mount

Now the thing I noticed right before it crashes was that the file was saved on the disk, but not shown in the FITS viewer. The imaging job states 'aborted'. Afterwards, if you want to take new subs or previews it still isn't shown in the FITS viewer. The FITS viewer icon (the black galaxy) isn't greyed out, but if I click it to view the image, it turns to greyed out and no photo is to be seen. The FITS viewer can't be started.

Now i have other problems which could be related to this:

- Sometimes the configuration of the camera isn't properly loaded. The option save to memory card magicly enables giving a big amp glow in the images. Simply disconnect en connect the camera in Indi and clicking 'save to InternalRam' solved this, but its weird that this option enables itself while there is no memorycard in the slot and the option is not selected. I have to say that the camera itself cannot remember settings anymore (something to do with the internal battery), so I rely on the loaded config entirely.
- Downloading images takes 10 seconds easily. Don't know if this is normal. They are 10 MP images.
- I have no powered USB hub. Only a USB extender and 3 devices connected: Lodestar, Canon 1000D and my EQdir to NEQ6.

To mitigate past problems i have a rocksolid 23 amp 12v powerfeed in my observatory now. I also have a modified Canon 60D on the way.

If you need more info I can provide it a.s.a.p.


JP Durman replied to the topic 'Flip-Flat' in the forum. 9 years ago

knro wrote:

Now there is still an issue with automated flats for DSLRs that I haven't yet addressed (hopefully on weekend).

That would be awesome... I struggle to find the right shutterspeed :) Automated would be best B)


JP Durman replied to the topic 'Flip-Flat' in the forum. 9 years ago

2016-01-12T23:49:40: Device configuration applied. 2016-01-12T23:50:20: The CCD does not have a shutter. Cover the camera in order to take a dark frame.

So i guess it's not working, or do I need a separate shutter cable for this to work? It's connected through USB right now.


I have to say, I upgraded from Kubuntu 15.04 to 15.10 and tried 10 test shots and it worked. No problems found yet. Perhaps there was some sort of problem with 15.04?

I'll keep doing some tests to see if I can break it, but so far so good.


JP Durman replied to the topic 'Flip-Flat' in the forum. 9 years ago

knro wrote:

your camera does not have shutter? Anyway, it is possible.

I'm using a Canon 1000D. It has a shutter yes. Is there a better way to take automated darks without putting the dustcap on the telescope that I don't know off? :P Really? :)


knro wrote:

KStars on 14.04 is old and I can't support it, get Kubuntu 15.10 or wait until 16.04 is released.

Oops.. sorry. I meant 15.04 :( Do you support this? :)


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