What i do is pretty simple, i flip before i reach the limit. Have you used the feature that is in the hand controller to know your limits?


to revive this thread, it is extremely important for the limits to be respected otherwise the Dec saddle will run into the RA motor (been there, done that). Now, there is a function in the hand controller that is called "Western slew limit" and this is the meridian flip point where it equates to = Westerm limit - Western goto limit. You HAVE TO set these right with respect to your own equipment. I will explain further is someone needs more detail.


Hamza Touhami replied to the topic 'Post your INDI Setup!' in the forum. 9 years ago


I couldn't help but notice the dragging cable hanging from the back of your scope, this surely introduces some oscillation. i shall share some picture of my setup to compliment this thread.

P.S: i use Velcro wraps every six inches or so to keep everything tight and not hanging off of the focuser.


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