Paolo replied to the topic 'EKOS autoamted FLAT and ADU%' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi Mohamed,
sure, I attached the screenshot.

The use of ADU% should help in order tou get the automated flat.
See also the following link:

From previous link the ADU percentage description:
ADU Percentage: Analog to Digital Units (ADU) are the dynamic range of pixels values in your CCD. For a 16bit CCD, the maximum possible ADU is 65535. The actual maximum ADU depends on your CCD. ADU count is proportional to the electrons excited by incident photons and CCD gain. Set the desired ADU % and Ekos shall adjust capture time until target ADU % is reached. When using this setting, it is recommended to set the exposure time to 1 second and Ekos will adjust it accordingly.