I was able to complete the guider calibration routine and start guiding, just as a test. I then moved to another part of the sky and thought I should run another guider calibration. The second and all other attempts failed. I could see the star move as RA drifting forward started and I could see it move back when RA drifting reverse started. However, the calibration routine never realized the star moved back to it's original position. It just kept drifting until I canceled the calibration.

I did have logging for Guiding enabled and when I looked at the log, I found a couple of things that seemed different about the calibration attempts that failed.

First, for the initial calibration run that worked, I would see messages like "Tracking Square Qret(297,207 32x32)" after each movement and the square seemed to move somewhat with the star. For the calibration runs that didn't work, I do not see any of these "Tracking Square" messages.

For the calibration runs that fail, the reported start position after each iteration is always the same.

Iteration # 0 : STAR  283.244 , 226.719
On my last run, using Auto Star, the initial position is reported as:
Start X1  256.106  Start Y1  43.5086
But after each iteration, I get the 283.244, 226.719 position.
Now here is were it gets interesting. That position (283.244, 226.719) is the same value as the last successful autoguide operation before I stopped my test autoguide after the first successful calibration;
################## BEGIN PROCESSING ##################
Star    X :  283.244  Y  :  226.719
Reticle X :  280.716  Y  : 222.542
Star    RA:  343.121  DEC:  274.647
Reticle RA:  340.058  DEC:  269.586
It is acting like the current star position in the second and subsequent calibration attempts is not being updated and is left over from the last autoguide operation.

I am running Kstars 2.8.2 on a Mac with the indiserver running on a Raspberry Pi 2. I am using an SBIG ST2000 camera with the internal guide chip.

I am new to Kstars/Ekos/Indi, so I don't doubt this is user error of some sort, but any ideas?

Just in case, I have attached the guider log.

Mark Ritchie


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