Sorry a make a must read About Orion G3, i receive a message ...



I progress with the DMK, i try the solution in this page : (i create the 2 files "70-tis-cameras.rules and" and after send the order "echo ..."
It seem to be ok exept that i have to change the exposure each time otherwise the image stay the same. have you an idea why?
Another new problem, one time when i used the DMK after disconnect and stop indi...few second after, kstars stop and i need to restart it. but this problem is perhaps a kstars problem!
I send a message to imaging source to know if there is a better solution.
About inova, i receive a message from L'Astronome with the Orion's support answer but Orion's support team is not powerfull :
* Thank you for contacting Orion.
* Unfortunately I don’t know if the software that comes with the G3 cameras will run in a Linux environment.
* Clear skies and good observing,
** Rich N.
So i send directly a message to Orion's support team...I wait an answer.


This morning I send an email to M42Optic in France to explane the problem, I will ask them for the SDK now.
I send emails too to L'Astronome who sail the Orion G3 and another one to Imaging Source.
I will tranfert you the answers.
The first one is answer of L'Astronome (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) = Bonjour Monsieur Lescure,, Je n'ai pas connaissance d'une telle possibilité mais je viens d'en faire la
demande au service technique de la société ORION et reviens vers vous si réponse positive.

I try the solution for inova you send yesterday but the trouble stay the same, i have an error with Ekos (Driver indi_inova_ccd scratch).

Thanks a lot for your help


Hi everybody,
Always the same problems with indi/Ekos/Kstars
It's impossible to connect correctly my cams (DMK21AU04, inova PLC-M and Orion StarShoot G3 Color... :(
Only my Atik 314 L+ is ok
I want to transfer my observatory from WINDOWS+ASCOM+ASTROART to UBUNTU+INDI+KSTARS+EKOS but for more than a year i try to find solution!! And nothing new...indi can't work with these cams.
Is there a somebody in the indi's guys who can ask to the manufacturer to write a correct driver for their products...
DMK : The different solutions I saw about the DMK are not really reliable. Some time it work some time not.
inova : when i install the indi_inova_ccd driver (Ubuntu), Kstars don't recognize the PLC-M and if i try to use the driver with Indi/Ekos, Kstars disappear of my computer (2 time today !!!), and it's lot of command to be able to reinstall it. :angry:
Orion : nobody on the web seems to be able to connect it with indi...
All of these products work well on Windows and ASCOM ...
So i will continue to manage my observatory with Windows (burk) and ASCOM (yeahhh!).
it's a shame because Indi and Ekos are really nice ...

Please, Is there somebody who can tell me a real and reliable solution (i have no enough money to buy 3 others Atik!) for these cameras with indi?
thank you in advance for you


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