Kalle replied to the topic 'Issue with Polar Alignment' in the forum. 7 years ago

I have the same problem too. Error happens after third capture if "FITS limited resources" is checked. If it's unchecked Polar Alignment goes never ending loop when it's trying to capture&solve first image. I think I've tested all combinations with FITS, Solver and simulator camera WCS settings. Nothing works. Any idea what is going on?

This happens with the latest master branch and it has been like that at least 2 months. Same thing with simulator and my real equipment.

Configure KStars -> FITS -> Limited recources checked

2017-10-29T11:27:26 Error: Failed to load WCS data in file: 
2017-10-29T11:27:26 WCS data processing is complete.
2017-10-29T11:27:26 Please wait while WCS data is processed...
2017-10-29T11:27:26 Solution coordinates: RA (22h 58m 49s) DEC ( 89° 20' 05") Telescope Coordinates: RA (22h 57m 24s) DEC ( 89° 19' 53")
2017-10-29T11:27:26 Solver completed in 3 seconds.
2017-10-29T11:27:23 Starting solver->..
2017-10-29T11:27:23 Image received.
2017-10-29T11:27:18 Capturing image...
2017-10-29T11:27:14 Mount second rotation is complete.
2017-10-29T11:27:08 Please wait until mount completes rotating to RA (22h 57m 24s) DE ( 89° 19' 53")
2017-10-29T11:27:04 Solution coordinates: RA (00h 58m 40s) DEC ( 89° 19' 56") Telescope Coordinates: RA (00h 57m 24s) DEC ( 89° 19' 53")
2017-10-29T11:27:04 Solver completed in 3 seconds.
2017-10-29T11:27:01 Starting solver->..
2017-10-29T11:27:01 Image received.
2017-10-29T11:26:56 Capturing image...
2017-10-29T11:26:51 Mount first rotation is complete.
2017-10-29T11:26:46 Please wait until mount completes rotating to RA (00h 57m 24s) DE ( 89° 19' 53")
2017-10-29T11:26:35 Solution coordinates: RA (02h 58m 05s) DEC ( 89° 19' 48") Telescope Coordinates: RA (02h 57m 24s) DEC ( 89° 19' 53")
2017-10-29T11:26:35 Solver completed in 3 seconds.
2017-10-29T11:26:32 Starting solver->..
2017-10-29T11:26:32 Image received.
2017-10-29T11:26:27 Capturing image...
Configure KStars -> FITS -> Limited recources unchecked (auto wcs unchecked also)
2017-10-29T11:13:45 Capturing image...
2017-10-29T11:13:45 WCS info is now valid. Capturing next frame...
2017-10-29T11:13:45 WCS data processing is complete.
2017-10-29T11:13:45 Please wait while WCS data is processed...
2017-10-29T11:13:45 Solution coordinates: RA (14h 59m 57s) DEC ( 15° 00' 07") Telescope Coordinates: RA (15h 00m 06s) DEC ( 15° 00' 03")
2017-10-29T11:13:45 Solver completed in 2 seconds.
2017-10-29T11:13:43 Starting solver->..
2017-10-29T11:13:43 Image received.
2017-10-29T11:13:38 Capturing image...
2017-10-29T11:13:38 WCS info is now valid. Capturing next frame...
2017-10-29T11:13:38 WCS data processing is complete.
2017-10-29T11:13:38 Please wait while WCS data is processed...
2017-10-29T11:13:38 Solution coordinates: RA (14h 59m 57s) DEC ( 15° 00' 07") Telescope Coordinates: RA (15h 00m 06s) DEC ( 15° 00' 03")