I recently updated updated the Indi software in my RPI, running Ubuntu Mate 16.4 and indilib 1.6, and KStars-bleeding. Before the update everything was working fine (It is several months since I did my last upgrade), however after the update the Park/UnPark commands do not work. If I try to Park, the mount moves unpredictably even to unsafe positions for the scope and camera. UnPark does not work at all.

Any help would be appreciated.


I forgot to mention that KStars crashed after Powerup on the second test when starting INDI, so I actually had to restart Kstars at that point.
Again, this happened between step 4) Powerup and 5) Unparked



I have attached 2 log files:


1) Scope was aligned and pointing to Sirius.
2) Parked. All OK.
3) UnParked. Scope cross hair would not move back to the park location on chart

1) Scope aligned and pointing to Capella
2) Parked. All OK.
3) Disconnected and Stopped Indi, Powerdown of mount
4) Powerup
5) UnParked. OK so far.
6) Tried to move scope back to Capella.
7) Alignment apparently screwed up since scope now moved in a completely different direction. I had to turn off power to the scope.


The system now almost works.

In my tests I had KStars set up to provide Time and Location information to the devices.

After setting up and aligning the mount, everything seemed to be OK. Tracking was working fine.
Parking also seemed to work OK.
However, after I did an UnPark, the scope alignment was screwed up. Mount longitude was 000 00' 00'' while latitude and time was OK.

After renewing the alignment and setting mount longitude, all was fine again.
Repeated the above steps a few times with similar results.

It appears thus that KStars at least sometimes is not properly setting the mount longitude - or maybe the UnPark command is in some way interfering with the scope alignment parameters.

During the course of these tests KStars-bleeding crashed a couple times on startup, which I am guessing is an unrelated issue.



Thank you! I am impressed by your quick response/solution.
I will let you know how it works.


I recently updated updated the Indi software in both my remote RPI, running Ubuntu Mate 16.4 and indilib 1.6, and my main computer running also running Ubuntu Mate 16.4 and KStars-bleeding. Before the update everything was working fine (It is several months since I did my last upgrade), however after the update I have a problem that appears to be related to the Park/Unpark commands that prevents me from running the system.
What happens is the following: When I start up the system from Parked mode and tries to UnPark, it responds that it is already UnParked, event though the control button properly changes state. If I after that tries to initiate tracking of a star the system responds with a warning that I first need to unpark the mount before issuing any motion/sync command - a Catch 22 type of situation!
If I, on the other hand, connect the mount locally to the main computer it works OK, so it appears to be related to the remote RPI software.

I would appreciate any help to resolve the problem.



Bruno Nilsson created a new topic ' kstars-bleeding' in the forum. 8 years ago

I am presently running kstars remotely using a Raspberry PI3 server (running Ubuntu Mate 16.4) interfaced to a Celestron CGEM DX mount, a SBIG STT-8300 CCD with a Self-Guiding Filter Wheel and a Robo Focus focus motor. This setup has been working reasonable well, except for occasional hiccups.

Recently I have also tried the kstars-bleeding version, which has some nice improvements over the regular kstars. However, it appears to have a serious problem, at least with my particular setup. The camera client upload is very unreliable. Most of the time it does not work . Kstars says it is downloading the data from the server but nothing comes across.
If, on the other hand, I direct the camera data upload to stay locally within the server then it seems everything is working, except that I would have to do a manual upload to the kstars client in order to get to the image data - which is obviously not practical.

Any idea about this problem?


Bruno Nilsson replied to the topic 'indi_v4l2 streaming in color' in the forum. 8 years ago

Found and did some initial testing of "qv4l2 - A test bench application for video4linux devices".
This program allows the capture of single frames or streams of frames at selectable frame rates (5, 10 or 15 fps) either in black and white or color. The display is done via mplayer as default. Apparently the default format of the stream is MPEG.
The graphical interface allows detailed control of the various camera parameters.


Bruno Nilsson replied to the topic 'indi_v4l2 streaming in color' in the forum. 8 years ago

Well, it is probably 10, 11 years ago I did this last time using a Philips ToUcam Pro 740K. If I recall correctly I used a Linux app called qastrocam that allowed me to stream the output to obtain large number of color images that I could process via RegiStax to get high quality images of Mars, Jupiter or Saturn.
The camera also came with a windows program that allowed me to do the capture.

I still have this WEB Cam and it works fine with indi_v4l2_ccd to stream gray-scale images, but I have not been able to get the streaming to work with color images.

I did some research about qastrocam but it is apparently no longer maintained.


Bruno Nilsson created a new topic ' indi_v4l2 streaming in color' in the forum. 8 years ago

I just started playing with a Philips WEB Cam and indi_v4l2 in an effort to get some nice images of Mars.
I can stream in black and white and use Siril to view the results. However, when trying to stream color the images are messed up.
What am I missing?


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