Just wondering if anyone using a Nexdome have had problems with INIDI / KStars lately? I was using Astroberry for about a year and all worked perfectly. I forget the sequence, but tried installing Stellarmate on a 8G Pi4 had problems with the dome, put the original Astroberry in and it didn't boot. Went back to my 4G Pi4 and booted fine and dome not working. I did the apt-get update and no rotation now.

I'm running the 3.1 firmware on my dome motors, I forget but is there a newer one out now?

I did put in a trouble ticket and gave Jasem access to my observatory. He checked things out and reported back to me with this:

I connected to your dome and it's not working. Everything checks out. The only difference is that INDI driver uses @GSR command to go to specific steps, which is more accurate than @GAR.

So to go to 100 degrees, the command is @GSR,15300

However, this does not make it move at all. It's 153 steps/degree. Not sure if something changed since last year. Better check with Tim Long on this. Try to issue GSR command from CuteCom or minicom and see if there is any response. The driver is working fine and in line the existing command set as far as I can tell.

I'll send this info to Tim Long also, but curious if anyone else has had any problems? It kind of sounds like a command format problem sent from INIDI to the dome. I've looked for a previous image download that maybe I can go backwards but haven't found it yet.

Any ideas?


Tim Long told me over on the Facebook side that I should try to clear the setting in the firmware on the Arudino. I used the commands

Rotator: @ZDR @ZWR
and then cycled the power totally (power off on the Pi and unplugging the power supply).
Reboot, check settings and try again. Same things. Only thing that works in INDI / Kstars is the 'find home' and open/close shutter.
The status window at the bottom does show things like "slewing dome 10 degrees" or whatever command is sent, but nothing happens.

I did try Stellarmate also, and same thing. In fact, I've never gotten Stellarmate working at all, but Astroberry has worked great for about a year. I did do a full reinstall and have the latest software on there. Not sure if there is and issue with Kstars 3.4.3?
I've attached a log file for the dome movements. I powered up, did the home finding (worked) then tried a CW, CCW slew and nothing. So that should be shown in the file. As I think I mentioned, manual commands to the Rotator such as
(or similar) ended up with a perfect dome slew to 100 degrees. Just not in Kstars now. :-(

It all started when I hoped I could just swap a SD card from my 4 GB Pi to my new 8 GB Pi and do a simple upgrade! *sigh* If it wasn't broke I shouldn't have fixed it.
Any ideas?

File Attachment:

File Name: log_18-19-05.txt
File Size: 69 KB


I've been running Astroberry with my Nexdome for about a year and has been working perfectly with a Pi4 (with 4 gigs),
I figured I would swap out with my new 8Gig Pi4 and make another try at Stellarmate OS.
I worked on that a while and couldn't get the dome rotating.
I swapped SD cards and tried my old (and working) Astroberry in the 8G Pi. Had trouble booting so I put it back in my original Pi4 (4Gig) hoping to just get back to what worked before.
The dome stopped responding. It was an older copy of Astorberry so I figured I'd just to a full fresh install and try again.

Still having the same problem with the dome not rotating. What does work....
- Shutter works fine and open/closes with no problem.
- When doing the [find home] button, the dome will rotate and finds the magnet just fine.
- I connect to the Arduino in the rotator using Ardino IDE. I send the '@GAR,180' command fore example and dome does rotate to 180 degrees. So it is working, but some problem with Kstars / INDI not sending the proper command maybe?
- I do see the "slewing dome to..." and other commands in the bottom of the windows as normal but no movement.

Here is a chunk of the log file. I can get the full or more tries if needed.
I'm just really stumped on this. It's worked so well, but not sure what I changed that screwed it up!


[2020-11-27T21:17:39.571 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.588 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.591 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.594 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.597 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Moving dome counter clockwise started.
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.601 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.605 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.608 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.611 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Moving dome counter clockwise started.
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.614 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.617 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.619 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Start dome motion counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.621 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Moving dome counter clockwise started.
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.626 CST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome :  "[INFO] Moving CCW by 10 degrees... "
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.627 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@GSR,53550> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.627 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:Err> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:39.630 CST INFO ][org.kde.kstars.ekos.observatory] - "Dome is moving counter clockwise..."
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.052 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.96979182 ( 1:58:11.25) - julian date=2459181.63724695 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.053 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.054 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.054 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.054 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.054 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.055 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.056 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.056 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.056 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.465 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:BV835#> with value <835> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.466 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.468 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.470 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.477 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:40.576 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.052 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97007239 ( 1:58:12.26) - julian date=2459181.63725861 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.056 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.058 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.059 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.060 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.061 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.063 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.064 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.064 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.066 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.828 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.833 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.833 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.834 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.936 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:41.943 CST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome :  "[WARNING] Please stop dome before issuing any further motion commands. "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.060 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97035304 ( 1:58:13.27) - julian date=2459181.63727027 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.063 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.066 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.068 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.069 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.069 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.070 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.070 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.070 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.071 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.191 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.194 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.195 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.196 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:42.297 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.068 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97063409 ( 1:58:14.28) - julian date=2459181.63728195 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.076 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.076 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.077 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.077 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.080 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.081 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.081 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.082 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.082 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.553 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.555 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.556 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.557 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:43.656 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.076 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97091486 ( 1:58:15.29) - julian date=2459181.63729362 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.083 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.084 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.084 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.085 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.086 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.087 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.087 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.088 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.088 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.126 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <XB->Online> with value <Online> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.127 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.129 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.130 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.132 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:44.243 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.085 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97119590 ( 1:58:16.31) - julian date=2459181.63730529 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.087 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.092 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.092 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.093 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.094 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.096 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.096 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.097 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.098 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.499 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.502 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.502 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.503 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:45.603 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.091 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97147635 ( 1:58:17.31) - julian date=2459181.63731695 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.098 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.100 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.101 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.101 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.102 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.104 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.106 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.106 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.107 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.856 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.860 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.861 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.862 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:46.962 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.098 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97175680 ( 1:58:18.32) - julian date=2459181.63732860 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.100 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.100 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.100 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.104 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.105 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.105 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.105 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.105 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:47.106 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.104 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97203707 ( 1:58:19.33) - julian date=2459181.63734025 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.107 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.107 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.108 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.108 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.109 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.110 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.110 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.110 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.123 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.216 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.220 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.221 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.221 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:48.323 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.112 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97231739 ( 1:58:20.34) - julian date=2459181.63735189 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.116 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.117 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.118 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.119 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.119 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.122 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.122 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.123 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.123 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.575 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.578 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.578 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.579 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:49.679 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.118 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97259791 ( 1:58:21.35) - julian date=2459181.63736355 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.122 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.122 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.124 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.125 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.125 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.146 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.148 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.149 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.149 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.933 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.937 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.938 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:50.940 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.039 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.125 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97287833 ( 1:58:22.36) - julian date=2459181.63737520 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.128 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.130 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.131 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.131 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.132 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.155 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.156 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.157 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:51.158 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.132 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97315876 ( 1:58:23.37) - julian date=2459181.63738686 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.137 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.138 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.139 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.140 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.141 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.144 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.144 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.144 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.145 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.294 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.297 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.298 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.299 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:52.399 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.139 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97343913 ( 1:58:24.38) - julian date=2459181.63739851 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.143 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.144 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.149 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.150 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.150 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.151 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.151 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.151 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.152 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.655 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.658 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.659 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.661 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:53.796 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.144 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=1.97371955 ( 1:58:25.39) - julian date=2459181.63741016 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.146 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.146 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=8F0380\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.146 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.149 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=4D6BA4\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.149 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=8389519 DE=10775373 "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.151 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.151 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.152 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 4 bytes written "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.152 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.227 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <XB->Online> with value <Online> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.227 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@SRR> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.230 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.232 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] Processing event <:SER,0,0,55080,0,61> with value <0,0,55080,0,61> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.232 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] CMD <@PRS> "
[2020-11-27T21:17:54.352 CST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - NexDome : "[DEBUG] RES <:PRS0> "


Good idea. I'll add more "slop" to my temperatures. I guess when I run the camera for a bit, it would heat up slightly. It's an ASI120MM Mini.


This is the handful of darks I managed to capture last night when trying to figure this out.
Could my temps be varied too much? Seems pretty close. I'm not super picky about how accurate the darks are yet, I'm just trying to figure out how to make my autoguiding run realiably. I'm close, It will be going fine for a while, then a random spike of 10-20 arcsecs that has me banging my head on my dome! It then settles down again for a while. I'll have to graph my data and see if it's random or repeating. Another topic for a different thread.


So if there is a flat in the folder that is the same time/binning it should just use that once the "[ ] Flat" box is checked? It kept telling me to cover my scope and I never saw it look different once it took it. I do have maybe 5 files in my flat's folder, but not sure how to tell it to load one of the flats. Nothing changed on the file, still 3 seconds and 2x2 binning.


Thanks for the help with that first question I had.
Next question: Anyone know how to load a flat frame for the guider? I did create a small library of them and would like to load one to clean up my autoguide image. Seems that when the "Dark" box is checked it would create one if there wasn't something saved already? I try that and it keeps asking me to cover the scope an take another.
How do I load a dark that is already made and use that?



Ah! There it is. They tucked it away in a totally different area than the guider options. I'll turn that off and see how it goes. I usually do a re-calibrate often, but when I'm on the same one and for some reason I have to stop the guiding, it's a pain to have to redo that.



I was looking all over for a checkbox like that, but mine doesn't have that. I'm running version 3.4.0 of KStars / Ekos.


I'm very slowly learning to autoguide my mount (Stellaremate OS / EQ6-R Pro / Stellarvue refractor).

When using flats in the guider, I understand it will save flats in the flats folder and from what I read, it should pull one out (up to the validity day limit). How do you load one of these pre-made flats to use for guiding? In the folder it says "double click to open" but it just highlights the part of the file info currently pointed at. Do you select on and hit the OK button? I don't see it loading, and it still tells me to cover my scope for flat.

I understand the flats will help with noisy images, so if you run a filter that clears the image up a little more (median seems to improve it for example) does the guider use that cleaner image for guiding or is this just for the advantage of the user to watch the guiding?

I also have it seem to run the guide calibration often even in the same chunk of sky that I'm currently in. I didn't clear the guiding, but it does it itself. Is there a setting to keep the current guide calibration or is this something it need to do often? It is pretty quick to run, but just annoying when it does it so often.

Thanks in advance. I'm very happy with Ekos/Kstars and the non-Microsft world, just climbing a learning curve. :)



Ok, now it's saving! Not sure what I was doing, but I think I have it going now....or have a good idea how to get it away from 270 degrees. I'll try it when it's dark and see where I go. I think I have it worked out for now. Finally, I can give this Pi4 a test run. Yay! :-D


I think I figured something out after spending a couple hours messing with things.
It seems that when my dome slaving settings are all set to 0.00, the dome will go to 270 degrees and do nothing else. When I set some numbers in there (like the attached photo) the slaving works!
But, for some reason they aren't saving the settings when I shut down the Pi, so when I restart they are all back to zero. At least I'm making some progress with this problem.



All set, but nothing is writing. :-(


Logs from the .local and .indi folders?
I ran it and tried slewing around. Just goes to 270 and won't even attempt to slew anywhere else the mount does.


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