Terry created a new topic ' Help with driver' in the forum. 11 months ago

Hi folks,
I've been installing OCS- obervatory control system, an wall in one power, lighting, roof, and weather controller. onstep.groups.io/g/onstep-ocs
Ed Lee has written an indi driver for it, and I have been getting some help from him. Unfortunately he's come up against a block.
When I start the driver, it connects, and I can see all the statuses of the device in indi tabs. Unfortunately none of the data is transmitted to ekos. No weather in observatory tab....this is the original: topic www.indilib.org/forum/domes/13238-driver...em-ocs.html?start=12 from page 2.
This is Ed's comment:
This driver inherits from INDI::Dome and WI (Weather Interface). It does not inherit from INDI::Weather.
Is the WI inheritance alone sufficient for it's weather data to be passed to the EKOS Observatory module?