If anybody is facing the same problem: after installing StellarMate on a Mele Quiter 3Q, I found out, that my WiFi speed was only 800.11g (54mbit/s). The WiFi hardware of the mele supports 800.11ax and my router supports 800.11ac. The WiFi hardware of a mele is from Intel and in Ubuntu this is managed by the kernel module „iwlwifi“. The settings of this module is stored in /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.com (The different settings can be obtained with „modinfo iwlwifi“). In the conf file I found the setting „options iwlwifi 11n_disable 1“ which limits the WiFi speed to 800.11g. I just deleted this line and after a reboot StellarMate/Mele connected with 800.11ac. The system is now very snappy. Image downloads take now about 1.5sec, before it was round about 40sec. Looping for a first manual focussing or polar alignment are now very convenient (I run KStars/Ekos on a laptop and connect to StellarMate on the Mele).


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