I have setup the CCD simulator and the Guide simulator using INDI server and installed GSC.

2024-03-03T18:26:41: startup: indiserver --version
Usage: indiserver [options] driver [driver ...]
Purpose: server for local and remote INDI drivers
INDI Library: 2.0.6
Code v2.0.6. Protocol 1.7.

I'm able to get stars from GSC:
$ GSCDAT=/usr/share/GSC gsc -c 12 34 -5 6 -r 3
0495401224 188.49156 -05.14841   0.4 15.17 0.40  0 0 02O2 F;   2.95 190
0495400366 188.52472 -05.11609   0.4 12.34 0.40  0 0 02O2 T;   1.76 123
0495400366 188.52467 -05.11604   0.3 12.84 0.40  0 0 024P T;   1.76 123

I have configured the image train for this setup as in the attached images:

I am able to get stars on the primary image train from the simulator coming from GSC

The secondary image train show the following errors:
2024-03-03T17:21:04: [WARNING] Telescope aperture is missing. 
2024-03-03T17:21:04: [WARNING] Telescope focal length is missing.

I have tried cleaning and reseting both image trains configurations without success on the secondary one.
Any insight would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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    31. 01. 1982
  • About me
    What can I say? I like complicated hobbies, I like DIY projects and I moonlight as a software engineer.