Thank you very much for the answer !
I did not know that astroberry was a 32bit distro. I noticed that the indi packages were very old but I assumed compiling the latest source code would work.
Anyway, I tried the astroarch distro and running the

echoed the camera ! I also tried with Ekos and the omegon driver, it is perfectly detected.

Many thanks and clear sky,


Hi everyone,
I tried to directly post this issue on the github 3rd-party repo but maybe it was not the thing to do since it's not visible when not logged in with my account (#902). So let me explain the issue here instead :-) !

My touptek-based camera ATR3CMOS2600KPA (Omegon VeTEC 571C) is not recognized by indi_toupcam_ccd (v2.0.6) on astroberry (raspberrypi 4). It is well recognized on amd64 linux-mint 21 with the recommended repository.
I tried to compile indi-core and indi-toupbase on both desktop and raspberry-pi computers up to the 2.0.6 release. Works fine on desktop but it still does not work on raspberry pi. For some reason I had to manually set the libtoupcam directory in the CMakeLists.txt to compile on astroberry because it would link the system lib instead (which are very old) of the one from the git cloned directory, this is the only change I made to compile (and commenting all the unecessary packages related line like BRESSERCAM etc...):

set(TOUPCAM_INCLUDE_DIR ~/codes/indi-3rdparty-2.0.6/libtoupcam)
set(OMEGONPROCAM_INCLUDE_DIR ~/codes/indi-3rdparty-2.0.6/libomegonprocam)

I checked the udev rules and they seems to be correct, I even added the productID along with the vendorID.
  • There is issue OmegonPro 571C not working with Omgeon driver #768 but the camera is still kind of detected by ekos, which is not my case at all.
  • indi_toupcam_ccd: Can't connect with ATR3CMOS26000KMA #453 is very similar to my issue although my camera is not exactly the same (KPA vs KMA). The PID have been added in a file that does not seems to exist anymore and seem to have been replaced by the libtoupcam.bin. My guess would be that the libtoupcam.bin file is not up-to-date in its arm64 version, is it possible ? I tried to compile master which includes commit ff6ef35 a newer version of the lib but I have error messages and I can't complete the compilation.

Has anyone encountered this kind of problem with other cameras ? My camera was manufactured in early december 2023 so it's very new, that is why i suppose that the binaries are not up to date but it could be something else.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    17. 03. 1994
  • About me
    Amater astronomer in Britany, France