Thank you! It works!

Btw, I couldn't find this information in any of the documentation...I scoured for hours!

One question: I tried an alias that merely had "wedge" in the name, but it didn't seem to work. Only assigning "wedge" (exactly) to the Alias field seemed to work, but I can't rule out that some other setting was incorrect when trying that way. I also named the custom driver "wedge" just to be sure (in the Name field). But maybe this isn't necessary?

If anyone else has this issue in the future:

In Kstars go to:

Tools > Devices > Custom Driver

Then you can select an existing driver and assign the "wedge" alias to it. Then be sure to select the new driver in your custom profile.


Hi Felix. I have this exact problem. Did you ever find a workaround or solution?


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    01. 10. 1989
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    Amateur Astronomer.