Hi, If you go on the App Store, click on your account purchases it will be listed there and available for download. I think 6 (plus) got pulled from the App Store when 7 launched, similar had happened to 5 previously. I am still using plus on an iPhone 12 running 17.2


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    04. 02. 2002
  • About me
    Since the van is under warranty, and since it was clearly a matter for the insurance, I once again didn't read the codes, figuring that they'd get it sorted pretty quickly at Ford.

    They finally brought it to the garage on the 23rd of January, they replaced the turbo (I do not know why) and when they handed it back to him, they told him "be careful, there's a problem with this engine".
    I told him to insist on them putting that in writing, and they sold him some bullshit story that in order to do a report they have to perform a compression test, which the van is now booked in for.