I was very frustrated last night working directly on StellarmateOS on a Pi4 for at least 2 hours trying to get Polar alignment in the very same position I always setup... It JUST wasn't working. Then in giving up in frustration I figured I would just image and Guide anyway. Nope - Guiding couldn't adjust... and it couldn't even find the Object initially and was no-where near it by the time it did a Solve and Slew.
I pretty much had almost given up for the night (and did not long after anyway.) - but I suddenly realised looking at the Debug messages and they were showing Jan 15th and 4am - yet it was Jan 23rd and 11pm... WTF
Of course - It seems the whole Stellarmate OS has been very much built around using the APP on a Phone or Tablet. Which is great, I have used that so far and it works. But what happened here was the Raspberry Pi, of course not having any RTC in it picked up the Time from the last time I used it a bit over a week ago, and I didn't notice, because of course it never corrected due to not connecting with the APP.

What I have done to rectify this at my end is the following:
timedatectl status - to check first if NTP was enabled - which it wasn't
If the TimeZone is not set to what you need you can do this:
timedatectl list-timezones | grep Melbourne
Then set the timezone if you have to:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone <time zone>

Lastly for me I ran the following:
sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
it picked up the correct time within seconds.

So - I think even though I ran this, Syncing via the APP should still work I guess. But just wondering Jasom - would it be worth adding Enabling NTP to the default Stellarmate Image? (keeping in mind this is probably only relevant for any units which would also have a direct internet connection, and not units which are Isolated and offline.) - but even if offline, NTP will just fail quietly anyway...so shouldn't be any harm to enable for those who may have their Unit's connected.

In retrospect for me - I am going to add the same GPS configuration I added to another pi in my Van - I built a GPS/NTP server which is accurate down to 200ns and 1meter. So I can use the GPS Aux option in Ekos, as well as setting the NTP Server to use the Local Server which will be Dead accurate no matter where the unit is located, online or offline.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    15. 09. 1975
  • About me
    Fascintated by space for over 40 years, finally really getting stuck into astronomy, Building scopes, Mounts, All Sky cameras. Putting a culmination of a lifetime of skills to the test.