hinorthastro created a new topic ' Crash to desktop with malloc()' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hello and thank you to everyone for this wonderful project.

I am plagued by sudden crashes of Kstars during imaging. Since I run automatically while sleeping etc, I am not usually around to restart the system so lose a lot of precious clear night-time.

Nothing in the kstars logs, however one clue might be that it always(?) happens after

"org.kde.kstars.ekos.guide] - "Guiding resumed."

verbose logging on :).

In the system logs (running Ubuntu) I have this entry:

"malloc(): invalid size (unsorted)"

I have now 93 entries of malloc accumulated over a year or so :(.

So it has something to do with memory and happens when guiding resumes.

Anyone have any clues how I can fix this?