Dman replied to the topic 'Kstars crashes when using Align module' in the forum. 8 months ago

Me on the other hand bring news of success. I was finally able to do a polar align and nothing crashed!! Now the only weird issue is that the mount seems to slew incorrectly but that's probably something related to config.

To try and help you with your plight.
I'm using ZSH. Using that config allowed me to run both the arm and x86 versions of brew. When compiling kstars I also used an iTerm instance that was using rosetta. So x86_64 all the way through.
When prompted I used Qt5
I had some issues trying to the script to use the correct python because I also use pyenv ocasionally in my dev work and it was giving me problems. But after a while I got it to work.
Had to comment out the lines that copy the Craft ini files.
While it is compiling the indi server it also fails with a missing header. But after installing the missing lib it goes through.
And that's all I think