Klaus H. replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

Hello James,

I today tested the Pegasus NYX-101 with your latest driver changes (commit b24472523; compiled on ArchLinux via libindi-git AUR recipe). I tested the Elevation limit/horizon limits, flip pier side all worked as expected.
Regarding 'reboot' command I observed that the mount did reboot - disconnected, after some time the beep sequence - but after that both motors did not react anymore, no movement possible at all. Disconnecting and reconnecting the driver did not change anything. The Android app could connect, but also not trigger any motor movement. Mount was not parked, tried to unpark/park but also this was not possible (no click sound). Powering-cycling the NYX mount helped in recovering - after that mount reacted normal.

Kind regards,