Łukasz S. replied to the topic '64bit Astroberry' in the forum. 12 months ago

Oh yes, there is some "mist" on my tutorial.
libstellarsolver is available at astroberry.repo - www.astroberry.io/repo/pool/main/libs/li....3+deb11u1_arm64.deb
According to "mutlaqja/indinightly" repo - browse it - launchpad.net/~mutlaqja/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages, look for version \*ubuntu20.04.1 and filename ending \*arm64.deb.
I've installed cleanly packages from this repo:
<code>ii indi-asi 2.3+t202306010428~ubuntu20.04.1 arm64
ii indi-dreamfocuser 2.1+t202304052123~ubuntu20.04.1 arm64
ii indi-eqmod 1.0+t202304052024~ubuntu20.04.1 arm64
ii indi-webcam 1.0+t202304052128~ubuntu20.04.1 arm64
Other pkgs. - didnt try casue dont need. If something can't be installed I can try build it for Debian 11.
