I already found the solution, sony cameras usually have a noise removal process activated in long exposure photographs, which will cause that process to take practically the same time. That does not mean that it does not take into account the delay that is configured, but it allows me to take photos with more agility.


I have a Sony a6400 camera and I have done several tests with the "Sony DSLR" driver, in general it works acceptable but there is one detail that I don't know if there is any configuration that can help me. The problem is that it does not use the Delay to wait after taking the photo, it only waits approximately 20 seconds and checks how things are and if it is not there, try to take the photo again, if the time is less than those 20 seconds It works acceptably, at 20 it fails completely and after 20 it makes 2 attempts to photograph. I would appreciate your support if there is something that can be done, thank you very much in advance.


In the end I found my problem, I was trying to run SynScan at the same time as the INDI driver, and that causes a lot of errors, if we leave SynScan aside and run Align and it works very well.


Hi, the firmware is in its latest version on the star adventurer GTI and I'm using the usb cable that came with the mount.
The only problem I have is with the coordinates. I tried it using the "SysScan" driver but it timed out, so I didn't try it anymore, the one that worked a little better was the "EQMode Mount", but as I mentioned, the coordinates are wrong.


Greetings, I have an astroberry and I try to connect it to my skywatcher star adventurer GTI, through the "EQMode Mount" driver, in general the connection is correct, but the problem is with the RA axis, where the values ​​are not the same as those it handles the SYScan app, which causes me problems, because it does not point to the correct place and has a lot of deviation, I don't know if someone can help me in this regard, I would greatly appreciate it.

RA Syscan - (09h13m10s)
RA INDI "EQMode Mount" - (03h38m02s)

Annex evidence.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    25. 05. 1993
  • About me

    I like astrophotography and I am still learning many things.