I have a SimpleDream EQ2 mount that works with Meade LX200 Classic or Meade LX200 Autostar drivers. When I try to connect it to Ekos it only works with Meade LX200 Basic and all is correct but the slewing speed is blocked at x1. Is it possible to change this parameter anywhere?. Even so, is there anything I need to do to connect the mount with LX200 Classic or LX200 Autostar? the thing is that with LX200 Classic looks like the connection is possible but there are some configuration problem.


Francisco Quirós created a new topic ' Sony a5000 not connecting' in the forum. 1 year ago

I try to connect my sony a5000 with the indi driver DSLR Sony but it does not connecting in ekos with astroberry platform. I tried all configurations in usb mode in the camera settings but nothing happens. Also y have blocked the volume mount in linux and nothing happens also. Can anybody help me?


I have a SimpleDream EQ2 mount that works with ASCOM driver LX200 Classic or LX200 Autostar, but when I try to connect it in astroberry with Ekos it only works with Indi driver LX200 Basic. The connection is correct but it only works al x1 slewing speed. Is it possible to change this parameter anywhere? With LX200 Classic tries to connect but after a few seconds says that the mount is not powered up. with the other drivers it refuses the connection inmediately. Is there anything I need to do first in order to get LX200 Classic driver connection?

Thank you


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