André Küllenberg created a new topic ' ToupTek USB download speed' in the forum. 1 year ago


I'm new to Kstar/Ekos and also new to this forum. I've recently upgraded from a DSLR to a veTEC 571 C.

In general, the camera works great with KStars, the only problem is the download speed when connected to my Celeron J4125 mini PC over USB3. It averages around 2.8s for a 16 bit raw fits file.
On my Ryzen 9 on the other hand with the same software setup, the download only takes around 0.7s.

The mini PC I'm using is one of these:

I'm wondering what would cause these slow download rates. Is it a problem with the USB controller on the mini PC or a camera driver related issue?

It's running:

  • Ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS with kernel 6.2.0-26
  • KStars 3.6.6 Build 2023-08-18T09:00:46Z
  • indi_toupcam_ccd driver Version 2.1.
  • Camera model is ATR3CMOS26000KPA



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