I understand, your choice for StellarMate is a good choice. I think there is no competition, but real complementarity. Especially since Astroberry is no longer updated.

On the other hand, whether with Astroberry, my own version ArchLinux or AstroArch, I do not use the wired connection, but exclusively Wi-Fi with three telescopes and 2 PCs plus an Android tablet. So after many hours spent outdoors at 1800 m, in humidity and sometimes extreme cold, I never had Wi-Fi problems.

The problems mainly come from batteries, cables incorrectly connected or mounted in the wrong order, configuration files and often updates. The only real problem with pi Wi-Fi is the range beyond 5m and walls.

In computing and electronics, nothing is easy and perfect. And whether it is StellarMatte or AstroArch, everything is done to simplify use for the greatest number of people. But unfortunately, each user uses a personal configuration. And fortunately, mutual aid and feedback allows everyone to find solutions.

I wish you a great experience with StellarMatte and if you come back to AstroArch I hope to help you again

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