For posterity, it looks like ambient temperature is logged in the Analyze Module logs stored under home/.local/share/kstars/analyze/


Thanks for the reply Jasem. I do see that I can manually enter a custom Key/Value/Comment into the ZWO CCD Driver in the INDI Control Panel, and that was going to be my next question about the syntax of specifying an INDI property to put into the FITS header for each image. It sounds like that is not possible yet.

If I can't get it into the FITS header, is there a way to log the temperature that the Observatory Module is displaying to a separate file that I could also save with my images?


I'm trying to get ekos to put the ambient temperature into the fits header but I'm struggling to get that to work.

In digging around this forum, it looks like focuser temperature can be added to the fits header or logged in the autofocus log, but I don't have an autofocusser. My mount, an OnStep driven Orion Atlas, has an ambient temperature sensor. This temperature shows up in the observatory module just fine. In the driver control panel for my ASI1600MM-Pro, I can set the snoop devices for Telescope, Focuser, Rotator, and Sky Quality. Is there a way for it to snoop the temp being used by the observatory module and write this into the fits header?


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