
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Digital Dome Works - does this work?

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Thanks, the logs look very helpful, it seems there is an extra character in the response I've not prepared for and it messes up the state machine. I'll have a closer look and make the response reading a bit more robust and possibly add some logging if needed and let you know when there's something new to test. Thanks again!
3 years 7 months ago #66672

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Found one quite major bug and added the missing Z-response handling (there's nothing in the documentation about that, but it looks like shutter encoder value report maybe...) and pushed new code to the branch. Should hopefully work better at least.

As for the moving, the dome accepts only absolute degrees as moving destination so currently the CW/CCW buttons or relative movement don't work as I haven't emulated them. So to test rotating the dome you need to use the absolute position control (or dome slaving). Parking also currently moves the dome to azimuth set as parking position which might be different from home position, but they can be set the same. I made this as our club observatory is locked/parked at different azimuth than where the electrical contacts are (no idea why thouh :) so it needs to first close the shutter at home position and then move to park position for locking and vice versa for unparking.
3 years 7 months ago #66673

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I'm having trouble downloading the correct file, or something. Here are the steps.
Removed the Projects directory to set a fresh start
git clone --depth 1 github.com/indilib/indi.git as before
Downloaded the zip file from your directory (indi/tree/ddw_driver) into ~/Projects/build/indi-core
Ran the cmake, make, make install
Ran KStars. The DDW module was not present.
Started from scratch, only this time, instead of the zip file, I ran a git on your directory (git clone github.com/jpaana/indi.git)
I looked at the dome modules in my download and the DDW files were missing in the dome directory even though I can see them on your webpage if I drill down into the dome directory.
Copied the two DDW files into the dome directory on my computer.
Ran cmake, make, make install.
Still no DDW when running KStars. When I look at the screen log during the make process, I don't see the DDW files being processed.


3 years 7 months ago #66700

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Ah, by default you get master branch which is the regular INDI repo, you need to be in ddw_driver branch, so just run "git checkout ddw_driver" in the cloned directory (not sure that works with shallow clone though) or git clone with "-b ddw_driver" option added or download the source tree from github.com/jpaana/indi/archive/ddw_driver.zip

After initial clone you can just "git pull" to get the updates.
Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Jarno Paananen.
3 years 7 months ago #66702

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Started from scratch. Downloaded the zip file (ind-ddw_driver.zip) into ~/Projects/build/indi-core.
Upon inspection of the driver/dome directory I do see the DDW modules.
Run cmake, make, install.
Still no DDW when running KStars. I also don't see DDW referenced during the install sequence.
3 years 7 months ago #66707

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Just for further clarification, when I run the cmake, make, make install sequence, that is being run from Projects/build/indi-core.
3 years 7 months ago #66708

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Hm, cmake by default installs into /usr/local directory and if you have installed packages from PPA, they are in /usr, which would confuse things.To install to /usr you'd need to add "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr" to cmake command line.
3 years 7 months ago #66710

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I admit I'm lost at the moment. I have your zip file which does contain the DDW drivers. Put the zip into Projects/build/indi-core and unzip.
When I run the make sequence, in build/indi-core, there are all these modules from the various drivers. I see various dome modules, like baader, but no module from DDW.
3 years 7 months ago #66711

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Yes, that's what I used. I'm copying your webpage verbatim.
3 years 7 months ago #66712

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The big problem here is that I need a "git book for dummies."

Created Projects directory
Downloaded your zip file into Projects directory and unzipped
Rename ddw_driver directory to indi
Created Project/build/indi-core directory and cp
Ran cmake, make, make install

The ddw modules are now present.
Ran KStars -- ddw modules are in the dome selection.

Did this on my laptop. Will recreate tomorrow on observatory computer and hope to have some feedback.
3 years 7 months ago #66718

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Ok, good, yes the tools are a bit daunting to begin with, but it gets easier once you start to understand what does what, I promise :)
3 years 7 months ago #66735

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Working well is az. The spurious character in the logs is now gone.

I'm hoping the wind will die down so I can see if the dome will follow the scope.

Attached is the file from earlier today.


File Attachment:

File Name: indi_ddw_d...31-2.txt
File Size:47 KB
3 years 7 months ago #66760

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