
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Weather radio don`t want connect camera integration

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Hello everyones,

I am trying to integrate a camera inside weatherradio like said this section:


I am using:

a Raspberry Zero with raspbian buster os
a Raspberry Camera OV5647

Raspistill is working because i capture images with this instruction:

raspistill -ISO 100 -ss 1000 -v -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg

"raspistill" Camera App (commit bab9bf8790cd Tainted)

Camera Name ov5647
Width 2592, Height 1944, filename /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg
Using camera 0, sensor mode 0

GPS output Disabled

Quality 85, Raw no
Thumbnail enabled Yes, width 64, height 48, quality 35
Time delay 5000, Timelapse 0
Link to latest frame enabled no
Full resolution preview No
Capture method : Single capture

Preview Yes, Full screen Yes
Preview window 0,0,1024,768
Opacity 255
Sharpness 0, Contrast 0, Brightness 50
Saturation 0, ISO 100, Video Stabilisation No, Exposure compensation 0
Exposure Mode 'auto', AWB Mode 'auto', Image Effect 'none'
Flicker Avoid Mode 'off'
Metering Mode 'average', Colour Effect Enabled No with U = 128, V = 128
Rotation 0, hflip No, vflip No
ROI x 0.000000, y 0.000000, w 1.000000 h 1.000000
Camera component done
Encoder component done
Starting component connection stage
Connecting camera preview port to video render.
Connecting camera stills port to encoder input port
Opening output file /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg
Enabling encoder output port
Starting capture -1
Finished capture -1
Closing down
Close down completed, all components disconnected, disabled and destroyed

My problem its with script camery.py that is in

/usr/share/weatherradio/bin the script said this:


# Script for shooting single images with automatic exposure adaption
# day and night..
# Copyright (C) 2020 Wolfgang Reissenberger <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
# This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

import os, stat
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pid.decorator import pidfile
from pid import PidFileError
from autoexposure import *

def init_config(inifile_name):
config = ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
config.optionxform = str
# default values
config.set('Camera', 'ExposureTime', '400') # 1/250 sec
config.set('Camera', 'BaseDirectory', ".")
config.set('Camera', 'ConverterFIFO', "/tmp/imageconverter.fifo")
config.set('Camera', 'ISOSpeedRatings', '50')
config.set('Camera', 'Contrast', '0')
config.set('Camera', 'Brightness', '50')
config.set('Camera', 'Saturation', '0')
config.set('Camera', 'Options', '-md 4 -ex fixedfps')
# night default settings
config.set('Night', 'Contrast', '100')
config.set('Night', 'Brightness', '20')
config.set('Night', 'Saturation', '-80')
config.set('Night', 'MaxExposure', '10000000')
config.set('Night', 'MaxISO', '800')

return config

def main():
inifile_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/camera.ini'

now = datetime.now()
config = init_config(inifile_name)

dir = config.get('Camera', 'BaseDirectory')

filename = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S") + ".jpg"
fullname = dir + '/' + filename
fifo = config.get('Camera', 'ConverterFIFO')
exptime = config.getint('Camera', 'ExposureTime')
iso = config.getint('Camera', 'ISOSpeedRatings')
brightness = config.getint('Camera', 'Brightness')
contrast = config.getint('Camera', 'Contrast')
saturation = config.getint('Camera', 'Saturation')
opts = config.get('Camera', 'Options')

# ensure that the image directory exists
if not Path(dir).exists():

# change to auto exposure for short exposure times
expstr = "-ss %d" % (exptime) if exptime > 10000 else "-ex auto"

# shoot the image
os.system("raspistill %s -ISO %d -br %d -co %d -sa %d %s -o %s" % (opts, iso, brightness, contrast, saturation, expstr, fullname))

# calculate the optimal exposure time
(imgExpTime, imgBrightness) = calibrateExpTime(fullname, config)

# start converter process
if os.path.exists(fifo) and stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(fifo).st_mode):
with open(fifo, 'w') as pipeout:
pipeout.write("%s\n" % filename)
targetdir = dir + '/' + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
target = targetdir + '/' + filename
# ensure that the image directory exists
if not Path(targetdir).exists():
# mv to target directory
os.rename(fullname, target)

configfile = open(inifile_name, 'w')

print("date=%s; time=%s; file=%s; ex=%d; iso=%d; br=%s; sat=%d; co=%d img brightness=%d" % (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), now.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), filename, imgExpTime, iso, brightness, saturation, contrast, imgBrightness))

if __name__ == "__main__":
except PidFileError:
print ("Capture still running")

When i run this script i got an error:

javier@raspberrypi:/usr/share/weatherradio $ ./bin/camera.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./bin/camera.py", line 101, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pid/decorator.py", line 14, in decorator
return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
File "./bin/camera.py", line 78, in main
(imgExpTime, imgBrightness) = calibrateExpTime(fullname, config)
File "/usr/share/weatherradio/bin/autoexposure.py", line 107, in calibrateExpTime
realExpTime = 1000000 * exifexptime[0] / exifexptime[1]
TypeError: 'IFDRational' object is not subscriptable

Please, somebody can help me?
3 months 3 weeks ago #100948

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Hi everybody,

i found my own solution to capture images and timelapse usin raspistill, ffmpeg and cron lets go to how i did it:

1 - Use the raspistill tool to capture a simpel image:
raspistill -v -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg

If its works, then go to next step

2 - install ffmpeg and create directories:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo mkdir /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/
sudo mkdir /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup

3 - Create a new crontab
sudo crontab -e

4 - Paste this code:

#Each minute: Copy last capture from 'media' folder to timelapse directory and rename with yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm
* * * * * cp /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/`date "+\%F"`_`date "+\%R"`.jpg

#Each hour: Move captured files to backup/date directory except last 60 captures
1 0 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_22:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 1 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_23:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 2 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_00:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 3 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_01:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 4 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_02:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 5 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_03:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 6 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_04:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 7 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_05:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 8 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_06:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 9 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_07:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 10 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_08:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 11 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_09:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 12 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_10:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 13 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_11:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 14 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_12:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 15 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_13:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 16 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_14:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 17 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_15:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 18 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_16:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 19 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_17:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 20 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_18:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 21 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_19:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 22 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_20:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`
1 23 * * * mv /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*_21:*.jpg /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`

# Each day: make new date directory at 00:00 inside backup folder
0 0 * * * mkdir /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/backup/`date "+\%F"`

# Each 3 months: clean and erase all directories from backup folder
2 0 1 3 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*
2 0 1 6 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*
2 0 1 9 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*
2 0 1 12 * rm -rf /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapes/backup/*

30-59 21 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 2000000
* 22-23 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 3000000
* 0-5 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 3000000
0-15 6 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -ISO 800 -ss 3000000

15-59 6 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50

* 7-20 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50
0-15 21 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50

15-30 21 * * * raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -th none -n -q 100 -o /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/current_weather.jpg -awb greyworld -co 50 -ISO 800 -ss 1000000

*/4 * * * * ffmpeg -r 4 -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '/usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse/*.jpg' -s 640x480 -vcodec libx264 -y /usr/share/weatherradio/html/media/timelapse_current.mp4

5 - Finally save file and restart cron
sudo service cron restart

That's all folks!!!

NOTE: Raspistill only works upto buster raspbian OS.

For Bullseye raspbian OS or lastest Boookworm, use libcamera tool instead of raspistill, you can see kit instructions for libcamera here:
Last edit: 3 months 2 weeks ago by Javier Albella.
3 months 2 weeks ago #100982

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