
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Microtouch/Feathertouch Focus Controller Driver?

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I don't believe the message is the real issue.

Each time I run indiserver it says address already in use but the pid is different each time.

The is being run on a Raspberry Pi 2 with raspian.
8 years 2 months ago #9219

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Not sure what the problem is, just tried it here and it starts fine. There is a process that uses port 7624 on your Pi, if not INDI server then find out what.
8 years 2 months ago #9223

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Hi Paul,

I am not able to reproduce the problem here on raspbian rpi2. What is the output of:

netstat -tulpn | grep :7624

8 years 2 months ago #9229

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Thanks, I was able to determine that although I thought the server wasn't being started, it was still being started from /etc/rc.local.

2016-07-10T11:08:30: startup: indiserver -v -m 100 indi_qsi_ccd indi_sx_ccd indi_microtouch_focus
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: pid=2018 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_sx_ccd: pid=2019 rfd=4 wfd=9 efd=10
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_microtouch_focus: pid=2020 rfd=5 wfd=12 efd=13
2016-07-10T11:08:30: listening to port 7624 on fd 8
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_sx_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_sx_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_sx_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_sx_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: snooping on Telescope Simulator.TELESCOPE_INFO
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_SLOT
2016-07-10T11:08:30: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: snooping on CCD Simulator.FILTER_NAME

Now my problem is that the update has removed all devices from the Ekos dropdown other than ZWO CCD and so I can't select anything to start.
8 years 2 months ago #9233

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I don't know where the information for the dropdown comes from. Maybe from the drivers.xml. One thing you could try is reinstalling INDI. I think someone else might have a better answer to this problem.

8 years 2 months ago #9234

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Hello all,

Peter Polakovic built a beta into the cloud maker server software, which I tested. My experience was that I could connect and read the position of the focuser, but telling it to move in any direction with either absolute or relative settings caused it to only move to lower tick values. Abort also worked to stop the movement.

8 years 2 months ago #9238

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I added some Debugging Code to the driver. Please post more information. I am not able to reproduce it here.

8 years 2 months ago #9248

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Hi all,

Peter has compiled a new INDI server for me. I installed it, and turned on every debug feature I saw. Next I connected, and tried moving the focuser. No matter which direction I requested, the focuser moved to smaller values. This was true for relative or absolute motion requests. I disconnected, and am placing the log file here. Most of the commands are temperature requests, but I was able to find the move command in the file. I hope this helps!

Last edit: 8 years 2 months ago by F. Scott Anderson. Reason: Attachment not added
8 years 2 months ago #9322

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Thank you for posting your log file. I found the bug and will provide a fix soon.

For now, you could try to see if the Focuser is working right in the 0-9999 range.

8 years 2 months ago #9325

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It does work for values < 9999! I tried using the "zero" command to reset the tick counter, and then it worked (both absolute and relative, including focus in and out), for values between 0 and 9999. For values over that the old behavior remained. I did notice that neither relative nor absolute worked with negative values, and since I had rezeroed, negative values would have been useful to test as well. I also tried setting the maximum range to 30K, then going over 9999, but this still didn't work. I include a log file here as well.

Thanks for your work on this!

8 years 2 months ago #9334

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Thanks for testing the driver and for your feedback. The Microtouch controller is not able to move to negative values, as far as I know. With the recent fix, motion for pos>9999 should be working. I am working on tempcomp and reseting to a custom value now. Is anyone using the learning/snapshot functions or are you setting it by coefficient ?

8 years 2 months ago #9345

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Hi Marco,

Thanks for your hard work on this - I for one really, really appreciate the functionality! The update appears to have worked, however, it seems I have tripped over a different bug. Somehow I have lost the ability to connect to the focuser using INDI. When I try to connect, it says the port is busy. If I quit the Control Panel and the Server, I can use Craig Starks MicroFocus Controller to successfully control the focuser. The only hint I have is that every time I restart the server, I briefly get the following message: “Failed to remove server Job!” with a red light. This within 1 second updates to “Server is running (idle)” with a green light. However, this behavior persists through reboots and power cycles of all of the hardware. I am not sure what has gone wrong.

In relation to you comments, I have two thoughts:

1) The MFT controller allows you to move up to 30K ticks from your starting location, and overall, on my C11, the focuser is capable of going perhaps 180K ticks, from one end of focus to the other. It also allows you to reset the current position to 30K ticks. This is important because the focal point might be less than where ever you started; for example, it might be -58K ticks from the current position. In other words, if you start at 30K ticks, going to -28K ticks to position 2K is possible. You can then reset the system to 30K ticks, and go another "negative" 30K ticks. So effectively you can go backwards - and what's more, you might need to, as there is no "absolute" tick reference. So my suggestion: a) either enable the ability enter a negative value as an absolute/relative target position, or, if this ins't possible, b) enable the ability to reset the tick counter to a value like 30000, so that we can then effectively go backwards (unlike the current setting, which resets it to zero, which you cannot effectively go backwards from).

2) I have not had time to learn how to use the temperature functions yet, so I can't comment on this front!

Thanks again for the excellent work,

8 years 2 months ago #9352

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