Hi Doug,
Mine's 4G Pi4. I've made a few changes in the setup and will give it ago when skies allow next. I too was unsure if installing Kstars/INDI would just install another one so have put this on the back burner until after I try next. The guy who does astroberry said recently that V3.0 with Kstars 3.6.5 is coming soon, but not sure as his certificates have expired and nothing seems to have been done in the repo for 2 years. May have to look at Astroarch as Val suggested.



Hi Val,
The owner was replying on the Astroberry github site a month ago saying that Astroberry V3.0 will be released soon. Not sure if that's true as the certificate for the Astroberry repo expired on 31st July, so nobody can now update astroberry. There's an issue request on the Astroberry github site about the certificate, but no reply so far.


Hi Douglas. I'm having the same issues as you on Rpi4. It's actually an ASIAR pro running Astroberry. I didn't realise it was still on Kstars 3.6.0 and so will update to 3.6.5. Did you figure out how to upgrade Astroberry safely ?


Hi Douglas. I'm having the same issues as you on Rpi4. It's actually an ASIAR pro running Astroberry. I didn't realise it was still on Kstars 3.6.0 and so will update to 3.6.5. Did you figure out how to upgrade Astroberry safely ?


Raymond Alker replied to the topic 'KStars memory leak and crash' in the forum. 2 years ago

I'm on StellarSolver 2.3 and Kstars 3.5.9 stable.
I notice that StellarSolver 2.4 was released 6 days ago. Are you on 2.4 ?


Raymond Alker replied to the topic 'KStars memory leak and crash' in the forum. 2 years ago

That's exactly the symptoms that I saw with my Rpi 4b. The desktop slowed down more and more, taking longer and longer to respond. Then the out of memory error..
After I implemented an earlier suggestion to turn off all notification sounds, it seemed to stop slowing down.
I currently have the simulator running doing several hours of tracking and capturing. The system is currently losing about 250MB of free memory every hour. That's not enough to explain what I see, which is memory running out after about 3-4 hours of tracking and capturing. I do have notification sounds turned off though, so I'll redo with them on so see if there is a difference.


Raymond Alker replied to the topic 'KStars memory leak and crash' in the forum. 2 years ago

I'm using a RPi 4b with 4G. My trace looks like an out of memory issue, but the log says

Available system memory: 1.8101e+09

That's a lot of memory :cheer: and could just be Kstars not printing it out properly.
I won't have any decent skies for about a week I think, so I'll try then.
Could I simulate a session ?. Bit of a newbie on Kstars/INDI so may need to look this up if it's possible.


Raymond Alker replied to the topic 'KStars memory leak and crash' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Looked at logs and it's definitely an out of memory issue :-

[2022-08-01T03:48:48.746 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Image received. Mode: "Normal" Size: 40368960
[2022-08-01T03:48:48.939 CEST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - "FITS" file saved to "/media/astroberry/4311-BCAE/EkosImages/East Veil Nebula/East_Veil_Nebula/Light/East_Veil_Nebula_Light_60_secs_2022-08-01T03-48-48_231.fits"
[2022-08-01T03:48:48.939 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.fits] - Reading file buffer ( "38.5 MiB" )
[2022-08-01T03:48:49.703 CEST CRIT ][ org.kde.kstars.fits] - Debayed memory allocation failure. Required Memory: "115.5 MiB" Available system memory: 1.8101e+09
[2022-08-01T03:48:49.772 CEST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Download Time: 1.92 s, New Download Time Estimate: 2.23 s."
[2022-08-01T03:48:49.779 CEST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Received image 231 out of 290."
[2022-08-01T03:48:49.783 CEST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Captured /media/astroberry/4311-BCAE/EkosImages/East Veil Nebula/East_Veil_Nebula/Light/East_Veil_Nebula_Light_60_secs_2022-08-01T03-48-48_231.fits"

I do use stellarsolver and PHD2 for guiding. I'll try your suggestions as soon as I can get some sky to work with.



Raymond Alker replied to the topic 'KStars memory leak and crash' in the forum. 2 years ago

I think I have the same issue as here. Crashes every night when scheduling. Doesn't crash doing lots of dark/flat frames without using the scheduler. It's only started crashing after I updates about 3 weeks ago, and hadn't updated previously since Feb 2022. That'll teach me that if it 'aint broke, don't fix it.
Has anyone had any progress on this since the last post over 3 weeks ago ?. I see there is a new indi 1.9.7 released a few days ago. Any fixes in this for this issue ?
Here's hoping :-)


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