Antonio replied to the topic 'Please wait while syncing...' in the forum. 2 years ago

In my case it was not due to the meridian, it also failed me from the first day after the updates, last year it did not fail without a problem. It has also happened to me in the "Plate Solve", however, it did not fail me when doing "plate Solve" from the "Targets" tab. As you rightly say, if I use Ekos through VNC everything works perfectly, which makes me think that it is not from Ekos, but from the APP. All the best. We will keep testing. I'm sorry I can't send the logs, they were deactivated, as soon as I have something I'll send it


Antonio replied to the topic 'Please wait while syncing...' in the forum. 2 years ago

the current version fails. when will there be a solution for this?


Antonio replied to the topic 'Please wait while syncing...' in the forum. 2 years ago

The same thing happened to me tonight. in the end the lost night. after adjusting the settings, focus the guidance camera. when doing the polar alignment, at the beginning of the process the message appears. I have restarted the Raspberry I have entered the Raspberry with VNC and I think the problem is as if an Ekos session was loaded because when I re-enter it tells me if I want to close it that there is already a session and by default after a few seconds it closes it. From that moment I couldn't do anything. on interplay align “please wait, synchronizing”. I have updated both the Android and iOS app to the latest version and my Raspberry has been updated in the past week. I need a solution. Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish and it's translated with a translator. Thanks.


Antonio created a new topic ' DSLR SONY' in the forum. 3 years ago

I have a Sony A6000, I can't get it to work right, can someone help me. I can't log out, it seems to get disconnected and I have to restart Stellarmate to get it working again.



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