Hi Rob,

Following the suggestions in this thread, I removed my kstarsrc and it works now! There were a couple of settings in my old kstarsrc concerning CCD and my ZWO ASI. I think those were the problem. I can connect locally and remotely to all my gear again.




Hi Rob,

I tested with KStars-3.5.7-beta3 (and also beta2). I skipped KStars-3.5.7-beta because I read it had some problems with the Indi drivers. I have only focused on my own problem: starting a remote session from my Mac to the RPi with StellarMateOS on it (drivers used: Skywatcher AltAz {no problems}, SkySafari {no problems}, ZWO ASI CCD {crashes}).

I first started my devices and Ekos on the RPi. Everything works well.

As far as I can see my problem with 3.5.6 has not been resolved. The remote device/driver (indi_asi_ccd) still crashes and causes (or is the result of) the local macOS version of KStars/Ekos to crash. I really don't know what causes what, actually. But considering my last tests, I think it is the macOS version.
What is different though, is the fact that the remote device/driver (indi_asi_ccd) does NOT restart as in 3.5.5 and 3.5.6. The driver crashes and the tab in the remote Indi manager just disappears. When I start KStars/Ekos after some time on my Mac and try to connect remotely it only finds my mount (and the SkySafari) driver, since the ZWO ASI driver has died.

Additionally I tested 3.5.7.beta2 with a profile for a local setup, connecting just the ZWO ASI178MC directly to my Mac and using a telescope simulator.
In this test the indi_asi_ccd just kept on crashing, continuously trying a restart. Using ASI Studio on the Mac the camera works just fine.

I also tested with 3.5.7.beta3 locally. KStars/Ekos crashed again. I restarted and connected to the still existing instance of Indi server. The tab for the ZWO ASI CCD had disappeared. I'm on macOS Monterey and attached the macOS crash log. 

File Attachment:

File Name: log_crash_kstars.rtf
File Size: 47 KB

If you need any additional info from me please let me know.




  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    27. 03. 1968
  • About me
    Backyard astronomy enthousiast