Ok, for those who are interested: I was able to run the camera in half the resolution ("INDI Control Panel "-> "Toupcam G3M178C" -> "Controls": setting "Resolution" to "1520+1024") with Debian on a Lenovo T490 Laptop. And finally on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Astroberry, the camera was running in full resolution. Sadly Idid not yet find out, why it is not running with the laptop.


Dear all,

with yesterdays update to v1.9.4 (indilib.org/forum/announcement/id-33.html) kstars crashes with a segfault when pressing the "Start" button in the EKOS dialog and ccdciel disconnects immediately after trying to connect.



Dear all,

I cannot take pictures/preview with the above mentioned camera in Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS following the instructions from indilib.org/ccds/toupcam-cameras.html. In the client software (kstars & ccdciel) I always get a timeout error. When running in a windows VM with the Omegon software it works.

Sadly I didn't find anything to solve my problem, so any help/hint is appreciated.

Kind regards

Installed software:

<code>libtoupcam/focal,now 1.49.1~202111111433~ubuntu20.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  Library for Touptek Cameras.
libindi1/focal,now 1.9.3~202111111245~ubuntu20.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- shared library
ccdciel/unknown,now 0.9.76-2478 amd64 [installed]
  A CCD capture software intended for the amateur astronomer.</code>

<code>joerg@astro:~$ indiserver -vv indi_toupcam_ccd
2022-01-16T10:27:49: startup: indiserver -vv indi_toupcam_ccd 
2022-01-16T10:27:49: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: pid=1207 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2022-01-16T10:27:49: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2022-01-16T10:27:49: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: sending <getProperties version='1.7'/>

2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <getProperties device='Telescope Simulator' name='EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defSwitchVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='CONNECTION'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defTextVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='DRIVER_INFO'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defNumberVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='POLLING_PERIOD'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defSwitchVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='DEBUG'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defSwitchVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='SIMULATION'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defSwitchVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='CONFIG_PROCESS'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <setSwitchVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='DEBUG'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <setNumberVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='POLLING_PERIOD'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <defTextVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='ACTIVE_DEVICES'>
2022-01-16T10:27:50: Driver indi_toupcam_ccd: read <setTextVector device='Toupcam G3M178C' name='ACTIVE_DEVICES'>


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  • Gender
    Not specified
  • Birthdate
    05. 09. 1976
  • About me
    Newby to astro, not to linux