Tim replied to the topic 'iGuider support for iOptron CEM70g' in the forum. 2 years ago

I just got it working with Ekos on Astroberry, but it's buggy as hell.

CEM70G, iOptron iGuider + iOptron iPolar. The iPolar seems to work fine, the mount works well. The iGuider is very buggy. I can do streaming just fine. It does 0.1 - 0.25 second exposures fine. 0.5 seconds and higher is 1 minute or more of waiting for the capture to finish.
Internal Guiding does not work. I hit the Loop button, and it just does a capture, nothing ever appears in the window, i.e., the Box never appears for clicking on a star. I got it to once, but I think it was just a fluke. And even if I could, half second exposures won't work so well here anyways.

Attached the screenshots of everything. I'm not sure the pixel size and such for the iPolar, but it was working enough to stream and take some pics in the CCD tab. The iPolar also works just fine used in the Guide tab.

I took a ton of screenshots of all the settings while everything was functional (for the most part). See the zip for them all.

Anyone have any guidance for me to get the iGuider working for Ekos internal guiding?