Tim created a new topic ' Am I dithering here?' in the forum. 3 years ago

I fairly new to Kstars and Ekos so I'm still in the discovery phase.I'm getting quite a bit of rain type noise in my stacked images so I wanted to understand it I was dithering or not. For good or bad I have so far done next to nothing in terms of changing any guiding parameters. I'm using the internal guider and it does a really good job without me changing anything, which is quite astonishing to me. However I do want to make sure I am dithering (I thought this would be the default). If I go to Options>Dither, there are specifically PHD2 parameters on this dialog.


Does this mean all the parameters apply to PHD2? If the not, why is the default set to NOT dither, that doesn't make sense to me since there is everything to be gained by dithering but nothing to lose? Or maybe the internal guider has some parameter for dithering somewhere else? Sorry I'm a bit confused at what I am looking here.Many thanks