Antonio replied to the topic 'How to set goto speed Kstars/Ekos' in the forum. 3 years ago

thanks for your support.
I tried to change the value in my mount  inside INDI control panel (EqMod Mount -> Motion control -> Custom Speeds) and after that i click on Save in Option tab (in attached). 

Unfortunately nothing is change, the motors go at the max speed when i perfom a goto command. I tried also to change from 0,05x to 128x but doesn't work.
I wrong something? i must be change some other field?



Antonio created a new topic ' How to set goto speed Kstars/Ekos' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi Everyone,
i'm a new user in indi platform and i trying to use an raspberry pi for astroberry server to control my telescope.
My setup is an EQ5 mount controlled by AstroEq system.
I have a big problem with the kstars/ekos sw in which i can't set the maximum slew rate for go to.
Probably is a old topic but i don't find a solution and unfortunately my stepper motor don't support high speed (maximum 128x). Can you help me?
Thanks all.


Antonio created a new topic ' How to set goto speed' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi everyone,
I'm a new user of indi platform and i trying to use a raspberry pi for astroberry server to control my telescope.
Probably this topic is already discuss in past but i have a big problem with the kstars/ekos sw in which i can't set the maximum slew rate for go to option (is set ever at maximum speed possible).
I don't find a solution and unfortunately my stepper motor don't support high speed (maximum 128x).
I have a EQ5 mount with stepper motor controlled with Astroeq system.
Can you help me?

Thanks a lot.


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    04. 07. 1993
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