Jonathan replied to the topic 'KStars memory leak and crash' in the forum. 3 years ago

Ian, I had the identical scenario last night. My crash appeared to be around the meridian flip period too but I was noticing a gradual memory leak building up on my RPi 4 (4gb) until when it gets to around 50% of available is when it seem to crash. Between targets I even restarted it to try and avoid issues but this morning I awoke to find everything running, except KStars of course, so imaging seemed to stop around the time I was expecting the meridian flip (about 20 mins after I went to bed on a fantastic clear & good seeing night - it was watching me lol).
I do not use the fits viewer once imaging as I have seen similar in the previous versions cause this same issue.

My setup is similar (but different)
IOptron CEM60
ASI 2600mm and guide ASI174mm mini with ASI EFW.
All runs on Astroberry...

My workflow is very similar to yours

I did notice memory increasing when focusing (anecdotal of course)

Did not have this issue with prior version, ran all night no issues, no memory incremental over time, only since upgrading to 3.5.5 which I now wish I hadn't...
Anyone know how to downgrade without losing all my carefully honed settings?

All verbose logging is now on to try and isolate when it exactly happens.
